貝恩剛剛宣布有意收購Proxima Group,兩家公司宣布將利用他們的專業知識和服務組合來加強貝恩公司現有的采購服務。貝恩對Proxima的收購讓人有些意外,但考慮到Proxima在能力和並購後整合的便利性方麵的吸引力,貝恩將其作為收購目標並不令人意外。貝恩資本在一個火熱的市場發展是明智之舉,盡管這個市場最近因對衰退的擔憂而有所緩和,而且並不出人意料。正如我們在最近發布的80多頁的采購服務市場分析中所寫的那樣。我們預計會有更多的無機增長,因為公司將通過並購活動來填補“地圖差距”(地理布局)、“應用程序差距”(使用技術/服務混合或擁有獨特IP的小眾科技公司)和“客戶關係網差距”,以獲得CPOs和上遊戰略轉型工作。谘詢公司正在慢慢增加更多的管理服務,包括數字應用程序/內容/社區訂閱,以及按需訪問功能……擁有產品化服務和知識產權的谘詢公司將成為更有吸引力的收購對象。在這種情況下,貝恩帶來了Rolodex,而Proxima帶來了可擴展的IP和強大的英國業務,以加強貝恩的排名。對於像貝恩這樣的全球戰略谘詢公司來說,在采購和供應鏈等關鍵能力領域,收購是一種行之有效的快速增長方式。這一舉措在規模和規模上與BCG在2016年收購Inverto非常相似,實際上使該公司在fte方麵略微領先於BCG(但在行業谘詢部門的“戰略谘詢”子部門中仍落後於麥肯錫),這隻是供應商考慮的一個因素(我們在服務提供商簡介中概述了40多個屬性)。 The strategy to acquire is also a good one. Bain has a large ecosystem of focused partners for tools, data, technology, and expertise, but as we wrote in our report: "It’s unclear though whether partnerships between high-end consulting/advisory firms and the BPO firms will meaningfully grow and impact the market." For more information on our report ( contact us for more information) and PRO series for detailed trends and players within the segment or broader market (the research synopsis can be found here free for download). Casual observers might ask what a strategy consultancy is doing buying what appears to be a consulting/BPO hybrid. But, as we wrote in our report: Proxima isn't a traditional mega consultancy built around large S2P technology vendor practices, nor is it a mega BPO focused on offshore labor arbitrage or operating a complex client technology infrastructure (i.e., "your mess for less"). The firm is very strong in procurement transformation (e.g., operating model redesign), cost optimization, M&A support, digital transformation, innovation, supply risk/resilience improvement, and the burgeoning need for ESG support. We’ll be diving into more deal specifics as we get more inside intelligence from the respective firms, but for now, this move is clearly signaling to the market that Bain intends to compete aggressively to deeply serve the procurement and supply chain services market where generalists will only go so far. Related Articles
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