
PT Bumi Resources


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傑。H.R. Rasuna Kav b - 2說,7樓



62 21 5794 2080

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最新的PT Bumi Resources新聞

PT Bumi Resources Tbk: |每月更新mdash;2021年11月


操作:實現價格增加到89.5美元/ t 11月整體相比,10月/ t 80.3美元。KPC意識到價格在11月,95.3美元增加到112.1美元/ t / t和Arutmin意識到價格下降到40美元/ t和52.6美元/ t 10月將進一步提高低品位煤炭銷售基準價格上限的PLN / t 70美元。KPC和Arutmin滿足DMO 2021。11月份總銷售額下降到6.3噸從10月份的7.5公噸。KPC銷售下降到10月11月4.3噸和4.8噸。Arutmin銷售下降到10月11月2.0噸和2.6噸。煤炭生產同樣下降到10月11月6.3噸和7.2噸,KPC生產10月減少4.1噸和4.6噸由於降雨。Arutmin生產也由於大雨降至10月11月2.2噸和2.5噸。整體生產成本再次下跌至36.02美元現金從10月份的37.56 / t / t 11月由於積極調整Arutmin和解與它的一個承包商後的成本。KPC的成本從10月/ t 39.23美元增加到47.11美元/ t 11月主要是由於燃料成本增加從0.79美元/ ltr至0.86美元/ ltr和較低的生產。 Arutmin's cash cost of production decreased from $34.48/t in October to $15.52/t in November due to as mentioned above. Year to date cash costs were at $35.07/t, with KPC's cash cost per tonne YTD, at $38.64/t, and Arutmin's YTD costs running at $25.58/t. Page 1 of 3 PLN / Antam total receivables decreased to $196.6m in November from $206.4m in October as KPC and Arutmin sales remained high to PLN. Receivables above 90 days increased to $13.2m in November, up from $1.7m in October. COVID Update (Numbers from 1st March 2020 to 29th December 2021): Total Employees: 9,687 (incl. DARMA Henwa & BRMS and Pendopo) Total Contract Staff: 2,896 (incl. DARMA Henwa & BRMS and Pendopo) Total Employees infected: 3,469 Fatalities due to COVID: 24 Total Employees fully Vaccinated: 99.0% Mine site management at KPC and Arutmin continue to monitor the risk of onsite Coronavirus exposure with regular health screening of mine staff and contractors with preventative quarantining measures enforced where tests deem necessary. Overall production and productivity has remained largely unaffected by these measures throughout the pandemic. CCOW Status: Arutmin received its new mining license (IUPK) on 2nd November. The tax regime currently is the same as the CCOW except an additional 10% Profit share has been added. However, it is subject to the prevailing laws and we understand these maybe changed for all IUPK's in the next few months. We have had no further update so far as of today. KPC's extension to IUPK has been approved by the Ministry of Mines and is awaiting BKPM approval. The Operating license has been extended temporarily and KPC has had its 2022 Workplan and Budget (RKAB) approved by the Mines department. Debt Repayment: Bumi paid interest on Tranche A of $5.5 million in January, representing 7.5%, the Cash interest portion (6.5%) plus the accrued interest (1%) of Tranche A. Bumi also paid $95.9m in principal in January from Tranche A. Due to the export ban imposed by the government up to the 15th January (KPC and Arutmin have now been allowed to export as they had already met their DMO) and clarity awaited on the Royalty rates for IUPK's, it is not possible to give guidance on the repayment due in April at the moment. Balance as at 10 Jan 2022: Tranche A Balance = $224.4m MCB Conversions: Following the reset of the conversion price to Rp73 on 11th December 2019, we have received, as of 10th January 2022, $223.63m of MCB conversion requests at Rp73. We have also received an additional $11.73m of Conversions at the new conversion price of Rp80, set on the 11th December 2020. In total $33.35m have been settled with shares, the balance ($202.0m) will be settled once shareholder approval has been obtained. We received approval to issue the shares on the 15th January from BUMI's shareholders at the EGM. We expect to settle the Year 4 conversions outstanding in the next one you two weeks. Year 5 conversions outstanding, will be settled later in February. The new reset price valid from 11th December 2021 is Rp80. This conversion price will apply until 10th December 2022. For further information, please contact: Dileep Srivastava

PT Bumi Resources常見問題(FAQ)

  • PT Bumi Resources的總部在哪裏?

    PT Bumi Resources的總部位於萊托。H.R. Rasuna Kav b - 2說,7樓,雅加達。




