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Zapr媒體實驗室是一家媒體技術公司。它為市場研究和廣告公司提供電視收視率數據和地理分析。Zapr媒體實驗室開發數字信號處理和大數據分析軟件,旨在推動媒體洞察和有針對性的電視到移動觀眾的參與。該公司成立於2012年,總部位於印度班加羅爾。Zapr Media Labs於2022年11月被三星電子收購。交易條款尚未披露。


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本文是加速器和孵化器係列報道的一部分,我們在該係列報道中編寫了報告卡,重點介紹了它們培育和催生的初創公司的成功和失敗。2014年,社交網絡巨頭Facebook首次在印度進行收購,收購了Little Eye Labs,這是一家鮮為人知的初創公司,為開發者提供性能分析工具。這筆1500萬美元的交易對全球超級天使論壇(GSF)來說也是一個裏程碑式的時刻,小眼睛是該論壇首批孵化的天使之一。對於總部位於古魯格拉姆的GSF來說,這仍是早期階段。該公司運營著一隻早期基金,擁有20名創始人和投資者,還有一個加速器,還組織科技會議。GSF的科技加速器平台由前信實娛樂總裁Rajesh Sawhney於2012年創立,得到了Paytm首席執行官Vijay Shekhar Sharma、inMobi首席執行官Naveen Tewari和RedBus聯合創始人Phanindra Sama等人的支持。現在已經進入了第六批,其中五家初創公司將分別獲得20萬美元(1300億盧比)的支票。GSF創始人Rajesh Sawhney告訴TechCircle:“我們的加速器項目旨在幫助初創企業發展全球網絡。”“在為期6個月的項目中,創業公司在矽穀待一個月,在中國/新加坡待兩周。”GSF隨後還參與了他們加速/孵化的公司的種子輪和A輪。到目前為止,GSF已經支持了50家創業公司,並成功退出了其中的8家。 In all, 20 GSF-backed ventures have gone on to raise money from venture capital firms, while 45 of them have raised seed rounds. There were ten casualties - startups which shut down for a variety of reasons. GSF did not disclose the names of these startups. "It is natural for startups to fail. We believe in the philosophy of 'fail fast'," said Sawhney. "We are working with many founders of such startups to help them start again. " Sawhney, also the founder and chief executive officer of cloud kitchen startup InnerChef, told TechCircle that GSF is now looking to back startups that leverage deep tech in sectors such as financial services, healthcare and education and agriculture. Six years on, here's a look at some of the startups from GSF's stable that can be deemed successes after having raised significant funding: HackerEarth: HackerEarth operates an online skill assessment tool to evaluate computer programmers and connect them with potential employers. At the time of that funding, the company said that it made about $350,000 in monthly revenue. Flintobox: Flintobox is a subscription service offering activity-based learning kits for 2 to 12-year olds. Its other offering, FlintoClass offers, operational support to preschools. Flintobox claims to have more than 4 lakh customers across 700 cities. The company raised $7 million (about Rs 45 crore) last December in a Series A round led by venture capital firm Lightbox. It claimed to have turned profitable and said it was on track to hit revenue of Rs 40 crore for the financial year 2017-18. Pokkt.com: The Mumbai-based startup was founded in 2012. Pokkt provides users who want to purchase digital content on web or mobile an opportunity to do it for free by offering multiple alternative payment tools like watching videos, subscribing to services, installing applications and participation in surveys. Zapr: Zapr Media Labs graduated from the first batch of GSF Accelerator in 2012. Its technology allows users to connect a TV screen with a mobile screen so that the viewer can be engaged across several mediums. Zapr also claims to have a data repository of media consumption patterns which is 100 times larger than its counterparts in India. Before that, Flipkart, Saavn, Micromax and Mu Sigma co-founders Dhiraj Rajaram and Ambiga Dhiraj had invested in the firm. Getting there These GSF-backed startups have shown promise but are yet to attract significant investor interest. OroWealth: Founded in 2016, the zero-commission investment platform offers unbiased and low-cost wealth management services to retail customers and financial intermediaries like banks, brokers, and wealth managers. Silversparro: This startup, founded in 2015, provides deep-learning solutions to help businesses automate their manual processes using AI, saving them time and money in the process. Gamezop: It is a mobile app-based social network for casual games. Each user is given a handful of new games each week, which can be played without downloading. In 2016, Delhi-based Gamezop raised $350,000 in a seed round led by talent management firm KWAN Entertainment & Marketing Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Comment(s)


  • Zapr媒體實驗室是什麼時候成立的?

    Zapr Media Labs成立於2012年。

  • Zapr媒體實驗室的總部在哪裏?

    Zapr媒體實驗室總部位於班加羅爾Salarpuria Sattva Magnificia的6樓。

  • Zapr Media Labs的最新一輪融資是什麼?

    Zapr Media Labs的最新一輪融資被收購。

  • Zapr媒體實驗室籌集了多少資金?

    Zapr Media Labs總共籌集了800萬美元。

  • 誰是Zapr媒體實驗室的投資者?

    Zapr Media Labs的投資者包括三星電子、VStEP、迪士尼之星、Samir Bangara、Arihant Patni等12家公司。


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