文章的作者:文件——施工進行了兩個新的核反應堆在Jenkinsville vc夏季核電站,南卡羅來納州周一,2012年4月9日。法官否決了刑事指控,8月2日,2023年,對西屋公司前高管傑弗裏·本傑明撒謊分崩離析之前項目的進展,但也有可能聯邦檢察官可以再次起訴本傑明。照片由傑弗裏·柯林斯/美聯社文章內容哥倫比亞,南卡羅萊納州(美聯社)——一名法官下令執行指控犯罪對最後的指控說謊問題在南卡羅萊納建立兩座核反應堆,放棄不生成1瓦特的電能。我們道歉,但這個視頻沒有負載。嚐試刷新瀏覽器,或法官把指控執行在南卡羅來納州的核危機,但情況可能不是在周三回到視頻法官被指控因為納稅人損失了數十億美元的項目不被允許在大陪審團起訴西屋電氣公司執行長Jeffrey便雅憫。廣告2篇文章內容的文章內容,但聯邦法官瑪麗蓋革劉易斯還裁定,沒有任何東西可以阻止檢察官妥善尋求另一個指控。說:“我們不會離開美國助理檢察官溫斯頓·霍利迪,誰說檢察官仍在審查裁決決定他們的下一個步驟。本傑明麵臨16項指控,包括證券欺詐、郵件欺詐,導致未能保持準確的公司記錄在他的角色未能為該公司建立兩座核反應堆在Jenkinsville vc夏天站點。項目於2017年解體後近十年的工作,當高管和監管者決定建設反應堆的太老土,安排他們無法獲得近20億美元的稅收減免來幫助支付工作。該合同與西屋建造核反應堆。 Prosecutors said Benjamin , who was in charge of major projects, knew of delays and cost overruns but lied to regulators, utility executives and others. The lies led to electric rate increases while keeping the price of SCANA’s stock from plummeting. Benjamin’s lawyers asked for the indictments to be tossed because the grand jury pool was pulled from several counties where utility ratepayers on the hook to pay for the project were at least 60% of the population and prosecutors didn’t exclude them from the grand jury or assure they were not angry and biased against SCANA and the people involved in the project’s failure. Top Stories Article content “Mr. Benjamin’s unequivocal Fifth Amendment right to an unbiased grand jury was compromised in this case,” defense attorney William Sullivan Jr. said in a statement that also praised the judge’s “lucid and articulate ruling.” Lewis called her ruling a “drastic remedy,” but said it was necessary since prosecutors cited ratepayers as victims of Benjamin’s lies and schemes along with investors and utility executives. “It is common sense that in a robbery case, the person who allegedly had their belongings taken would be barred, as a victim, from participating in indicting the accused, no matter if there was a mountain of evidence against the accused or if the victim insisted they could remain impartial,” Lewis said in her ruling. Benjamin’s trial had already been moved to Greenville after his attorneys said the broad coverage of the nuclear debacle and the majority of ratepayers in a jury pool would make a fair trial in the Columbia area impossible. Only about 10% of potential jurors around Greenville were SCANA customers. Benjamin is the final executive to face charges. Advertisement 4 Article content Two former SCANA executives have been sentenced to federal prison after pleading guilty to their roles in lying to ratepayers, regulators and investors. Former CEO Kevin Marsh received two years while chief operating officer Stephen Byrne was sentenced to 15 months. Former Westinghouse project director Carl Churchman has pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents investigating the project’s failure and is awaiting sentencing. The fiasco exposed problems in building nuclear reactors in the U.S. from drawing up easy-to-use construction plans to making them an affordable, carbon-free power source. Earlier this week, Georgia Power Co. announced commercial power was finally being generated from its Unit 3 at Plant Vogtle, southeast of Augusta. The reactor was seven years late and $17 billion over budget — more than doubling the unit’s original cost. It is the first nuclear reactor built from scratch in the U.S. in more than three decades.
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