巫毒Ranger品牌所有者獲得星座的啤酒廠Daleville在美國維吉尼亞州。交易的財務條款,預計5月份完成,沒有披露。飲料認為:這次收購不應該太多的驚奇,鑒於新的比利時的所有者麒麟去年晚些時候說,這是額外的生產在北美虎視眈眈。新比利時現在有生產設施在科羅拉多州,北卡羅來納州和弗吉尼亞州,也就是考慮到釀酒廠(及其行巫術管理員都繼續無視普遍悲觀的市場趨勢工藝啤酒。至關重要的是,然而,購買Daleville設施——星座建於2016年為其then-flagship工藝生產啤酒啤酒品牌壓載觀點——比利時提供了新的重要功能增加“超越啤酒”產品的生產。事實上,在宣布購買,新比利時釀造表示,它將“探索利用設施的FMB,蘇打水和RTD能力”。如果工藝仍然是病夫啤酒,這項投資將代表一種適應未來房展的麒麟在北美的業務。保樂力加已達成協議,收購美國的多數股權調味攪拌(e) y Skrewball品牌。,3月21日宣布,將花生butter-flavoured精神加入詹姆遜橙色保樂力加的調味攪拌(e) y名單。財務條款沒有披露。 Just Drinks thinks: Whatever your thoughts on peanut butter-flavoured whisk(e)y (and this writer remains decidedly skeptical), its impossible to argue with the success of Skrewball Whiskey to date. The brand, founded by husband-and-wife duo Brittany and Steven Yeng quickly scaled the brand to national distribution, enabling them to survive the headwinds of the Covid-19 pandemic relatively unscathed, and have now reaped the (presumably very large) financial rewards. The question for Pernod Ricard to answer now, however, is can the Paris-headquartered spirits major maintain the brand’s runaway momentum, and ensure the concept translates on a global scale? Flavoured whiskey as a category is on a roll – but the cautionary tale of flavoured vodka looms large in the rearview mirror; will Skrewball’s flame burn bright and fade fast, or can Pernod Ricard’s expertise ensure we’re going nutty for it for years to come? Scottish beverage brand owner The Edrington Group has acquired a 50% stake in Spanish wine and brandy maker Grupo Estévez. The deal, announced alongside a partnership between Grupo Estévez and Edrington’s The Macallan brand, will see the Scotch maker deepen its investment in its own supply chain. Just Drinks thinks: This shrewd play from Edrington helps secure a long-term supply of sherry-seasoned wine casks for the jewel in its crown whilst also giving Grupo Estévez a route to market for its Valdespino sherry and aperitif brand. It feels like a win for both parties. While it is somewhat unusual to see a business conduct and announce an acquisition through one of its brands, in this instance Edrington’s decision to frame its acquisition of Grupo Estévez as a deal made by The Macallan makes sense. The brand is undoubtedly Edrington’s most high profile, and its fondness of sherry casks for finishing its higher-end whiskies is renowned. In this context, buying into its own supply chain by acquiring one of Spain’s largest and most prominent wine and brandy makers seems like sensible forward planning. South Africa’s Competition Tribunal has granted Heineken approval to take control of Distell Group and Namibia Breweries. The news paves the way for Heineken to create a new business in Africa, in which it will own majority control. The Amstel brand owner said it expects to invest €2.4bn in return for a 65% stake in the newly formed company. Just Drinks thinks: After much to-ing and fro-ing, and some rather undignified mud-slinging from both Heineken and Anheuser-Busch InBev, the Dutch brewer finally got its go-ahead to proceed with reshaping its business in Africa. Although it’ll need to offload its Strongbow brand in Africa in order to appease competition authorities, Heineken will be feeling quite smug after getting the green light without Distell having to sell off its own cider brands, something South Africa Breweries (SAB) – Anheuser-Busch InBev’s subsidiary in the country – had wanted to happen . The deal sets up the continent as the next big battleground in the beer category, but also meaningfully stretches Heineken well beyond its core purpose of making and selling beer. Distell’s presence in wine and spirits could either be a help or a hinderance to CEO Dolf van den Brink realising his long-term vision for Heineken, depending on your viewpoint. It’ll be intriguing to see whether the Amstel brewer keeps hold of the brands and assets, or looks to sell them off to offset the €2.4bn its investing in the newco it is creating in Africa.