Tackle.io有 7 高管.Tackle.io的創始人是Mike Asher。Tackle.io的 是.
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HackerRank, Platfora, Appcelerator, newScale, 辛烷, 思科, 而且雪佛龍公司 |
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HackerRank, Platfora, Appcelerator, newScale, 辛烷, 思科, 而且雪佛龍公司 |
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獅子座明鏡 |
Leo Spiegel是Mission Ventures的管理合夥人,Mission Ventures是一家南加州風險投資公司,投資於早期的IT公司。在加入Mission Ventures之前,Leo Spiegel是Digital Island, Inc.的總裁,該公司是全球電子商務網絡和內容交付服務的領先供應商。Spiegel資本管理公司為Wevr、BrightDay炎症治療公司、Tackle等有前途的初創公司提供投資。io和Autonomic,後者被賣給了福特汽車公司。Hunter Madison Group提供戰略谘詢,包括風險投資、私募股權、企業發展、並購、業務執行和董事會服務。選定的客戶包括Anaconda, Autonomic, BrightDay, Cardiocell, Connected Lab, Crane Ventures, EMC Corporation, HARBR, novae, SnappyData, Stedical Scientific, Targetprocess, Tarmin, Wevr和Zededa。利奧是組成Pivotal (PVTL)的六人團隊之一。在Pivotal的大部分時間裏,他負責公司發展和戰略。他領導了許多關鍵項目的努力,包括公司成立、所有私人融資輪、雲鑄造基金會的成立以及許多客戶和合作夥伴關係。裏奧是數字島的總裁。Leo是在Digital Island與Sandpiper Networks合並後加入Digital Island的,當時他是Sandpiper Networks的董事長兼首席執行官。 In 2000, Leo won the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award for the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area. Prior to Sandpiper Networks, Leo served as SVP and CTO of Donnelley Enterprise Solutions Incorporated. Leo was the co-founder, EVP, and CTO of LANSystems, which was sold to Intel Corporation and R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company. Leo started his first company, Integrated Analysis, while in college. He merged Integrated Analysis with LANSystems. Leo is a graduate of the University of California, San Diego. Leo is a Trustee of the UC San Diego Foundation and is a member of the International Leadership Committee, Campaign for UCSD. He is a member of the Dean's Advisory Council at the Rady School of Management. He also the Immediate Past Board Chair of the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego. |
Tackle.io |
邁克爾Droesch |
Tackle.io |
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邁克爾Droesch |
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Leo Spiegel是Mission Ventures的管理合夥人,Mission Ventures是一家南加州風險投資公司,投資於早期的IT公司。在加入Mission Ventures之前,Leo Spiegel是Digital Island, Inc.的總裁,該公司是全球電子商務網絡和內容交付服務的領先供應商。Spiegel資本管理公司為Wevr、BrightDay炎症治療公司、Tackle等有前途的初創公司提供投資。io和Autonomic,後者被賣給了福特汽車公司。Hunter Madison Group提供戰略谘詢,包括風險投資、私募股權、企業發展、並購、業務執行和董事會服務。選定的客戶包括Anaconda, Autonomic, BrightDay, Cardiocell, Connected Lab, Crane Ventures, EMC Corporation, HARBR, novae, SnappyData, Stedical Scientific, Targetprocess, Tarmin, Wevr和Zededa。利奧是組成Pivotal (PVTL)的六人團隊之一。在Pivotal的大部分時間裏,他負責公司發展和戰略。他領導了許多關鍵項目的努力,包括公司成立、所有私人融資輪、雲鑄造基金會的成立以及許多客戶和合作夥伴關係。裏奧是數字島的總裁。Leo是在Digital Island與Sandpiper Networks合並後加入Digital Island的,當時他是Sandpiper Networks的董事長兼首席執行官。 In 2000, Leo won the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award for the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area. Prior to Sandpiper Networks, Leo served as SVP and CTO of Donnelley Enterprise Solutions Incorporated. Leo was the co-founder, EVP, and CTO of LANSystems, which was sold to Intel Corporation and R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company. Leo started his first company, Integrated Analysis, while in college. He merged Integrated Analysis with LANSystems. Leo is a graduate of the University of California, San Diego. Leo is a Trustee of the UC San Diego Foundation and is a member of the International Leadership Committee, Campaign for UCSD. He is a member of the Dean's Advisory Council at the Rady School of Management. He also the Immediate Past Board Chair of the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego. |
其他座位 |
Tackle.io |
Tackle.io |
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