圖片來源:dingbat2005 / Flickr今天有更多的證據,公共雲,亞馬遜的雲,具體——並不總是正確的雲,甚至對於創業公司來說。企業認為困難之前到公共雲在很大程度上,因為他們關心治理等問題。創業公司更願意依賴於公共雲,特別是亞馬遜網絡服務。但我們看到的例外規則。乳房和MemSQL年輕公司遷移部分或全部計算從亞馬遜和托管或托管服務器上在過去的幾年裏。新聞的另一個例外AWS-by-default規則出現在今天的形式從比利時啟動名為TestingBot博客。近兩年,TestingBot測試網站在不同的瀏覽器,有償使用亞馬遜的公共雲計算和存儲服務。但在最近幾個月公司已關閉那些雲資源和掉到地上,月度基礎設施成本。原因:計算資源會打斷了在相同的服務器上運行的其他應用程序,和服務會緩慢。它隻是花費太多。 The team considered a VMware private cloud on dedicated servers, but that option was also too expensive. On top of that, TestingBot didn’t really know how everything was working. VMware’s software for making multiple virtual servers on each physical server is proprietary. And that made for a challenge. “Whenever something went wrong, it was hard to troubleshoot since we can’t look at the code,” the blog post states. Open-source tools prevailed. TestingBot ended up choosing a popular open-source (and free) technology for creating virtual machines called KVM. Service is fast — “as soon as a customer wants to run a test, we spin up a VM in less than 10 seconds,” the blog post notes — and secure, too. Today, TestingBot is paying a third as much money as it did when everything operated on Amazon’s cloud, and that’s including the cost of on-site support for eight physical servers in a Brussels data center, Testing Bot founder Jochen Delabie wrote in an email to VentureBeat. And the deal comes with better performance and support, he added. Some cloud commentators have suggested that if companies pay $50,000 or more per month for Amazon’s cloud services, they might want to look elsewhere. But that’s not what happened to TestingBot. “We did not hit the $50,000 [a] month, more like $10,000 [a] month,” Delabie wrote. “But since we’re a bootstrapped startup, that meant a lot of money for us.” So maybe the sweet spot for a deployment on Amazon Web Services is narrower than some people might think it is. This despite all the new and improved features and frequently slashed prices on Amazon’s cloud, on top of the already wide swath of services Amazon has to offer. It will be interesting to watch which companies end up taking on considerable business from ex-Amazon customers. One beneficiary of the trend could be Nebula, whose “cloud controllers” can result in 90 percent cost savings in comparison with an equivalent Amazon setup, according to executive Chris Kemp’s claim earlier this year. Kemp sounded bold when he talked about startups being customers — startups today would want to buy and run hardware? — but maybe his viewpoint wasn’t so off the wall. More information: Amazon Web Services Since early 2006, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has provided companies of all sizes with an infrastructure web services platform in the cloud. With AWS you can requisition compute power, storage, and other services–gaining access to a su... read more » New! Track Amazon Web Services's Landscape to stay on top of the industry in 3 minutes a day. Understand the entire ecosystem, monitor innovation, and track deal flows. Learn more . Get more stories like this on Twitter & Facebook Press Releases
像提供移動物聯網(物聯網),和5 g的解決方案。它結合了科學和全球的數據,實際的測試,以幫助企業優化應用程序的性能與數據科學的能力。它使手動和自動與範圍廣泛的應用程序測試設備,包括屏幕和screenless設備,如移動電話、桌麵瀏覽器,媒體播放器,音頻設備,甚至汽車係統。它成立於2015年,總部在加州。