Citizenre的競爭對手包括巴薩諾瓦願景,天合光能,Xantrex技術,Sungevity, SoloPower和13更多。
NEI公司是薩默塞特,NJ公司收到了格蘭特(s)從美國能源部SBIR / STTR計劃。抽象(s)為這些格蘭特獎(s)也提供了因為他們提供洞察NEI公司的業務和領域的專業知識。該項目將開發一個水銀修複解決方案用於汙染美國能源部垃圾網站,從而導致節約成本和減少治療的時間浪費。該項目將開發一個nanoparticle-based技術將使燃煤電廠用水的來源除了傳統的河流或湖泊。的nanoparticle-based技術也將是一個具有成本效益的方式減少廢水中的有毒金屬流。該項目將開發一個納米塗料工業vapor-to-liquid熱交換器通過一個數量級提高性能,提高能源效率相關的工業過程。這個項目將加強彈性印章的屬性用於地熱能源生產和有可能防止失敗的設備,使井下設備運行無人值守長時間,大於5到10年,沒有維護。這個項目將開發nanoparticle-enabled流體技術提高熱交換器的性能用於全國小煉油業務。提高熱交換器的性能將會導致成本和節約能源。這個項目將開發技術,使新一代鋰離子電池交付所需的能量儲存能力的經濟價格,使鋰離子電池電動工具和車輛應用程序更便宜。 This project will develop non-chromate corrosion inhibiting coating systems to enable the use of light weight magnesium alloys in automobiles. The result will lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and fuel costs to consumers. This project will develop a nanotechnology-based, self-healing industrial coating. Self-healing coatings will have significantly enhanced operational lives, thereby reducing installation and repair costs. There is a present need for sorbent technologies to enable coal-fired power plants to reduce mercury emissions. This project will develop a novel environmentally friendly sorbent technology to meet this emerging market need. This project will develop and implement a new class of 5V high voltage Li-ion battery cathode material for next generation plug in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). This project will develop advanced materials for use as the internal wall of a fusion power reactor is expected to enable fusion power to be developed as a sustainable source of energy. This project will develop a new chemistry for Flow Batteries so that it is highly efficient, has long cycle life, and is low cost and non-toxic. The flow batteries can be used by utilities, in conjunction with green power generation, such as solar, wind turbine and fuel cell. The proposed technology will reduce the cost of the mercury removal from coal fired power plants, thereby allowing power plant utility companies to comply with mercury regulation. The proposed novel modified dielectric percolative composites will be reliable and will have high dielectric constant, thereby delivering high energy density to future solid state pulsed power systems.
Solarno公司收到STTR階段我承認為一個項目標題為:合成多功能nanofibrous聚苯胺/碳複合材料。資助他們的他們的獎是根據2009年美國複蘇與再投資法案》,他們的項目將開發新型多功能材料基於聚苯胺(PAni)納米纖維(PANFs)和納米碳纖維(cnf)能源存儲。雖然已報告PAni複合材料廣泛的應用程序,包括傳感器、生物傳感器、photoelectrochromic細胞等,由於其出色的電氣、熱力和機械性能,利用增強屬性組合的預期PANF CNF。PANFs有更大的電子電導率比聚苯胺團簇和納米棒,可以合成各種基質。Solarno將使用一個私有過程合成複合材料PANFs cnf。在第一階段Solarno將使用這些複合材料作為非對稱超級電容器的電極材料,一個使能技術,提供了高能源和電力的特定的技術目標:合成和表征PANFs CNF基質,並實現超級電容器性能的15 Wh /公斤,10千瓦/公斤,> 10周期,因此遠遠超過目前鉛酸電池的電力和循環壽命。在第二階段,我們將提高這些設備的能量密度,使潛在的這種電池更換,並探索其他功能複合材料,如傳感器和電化學設備。PANF / CNF複合材料由Solarno將超級電容器市場通過材料銷售和合作/許可證協議,後來相關電化學功能/應用程序。Solarno目標要求的混合動力電動汽車(HEV)最初的超級電容器的設計市場,這樣,最終客戶將主要的汽車製造商。市場要求電容器提供更高的能量密度,減小尺寸、高可靠性和低成本。 Commercially available EDLCs commonly provide energy densities around 4 Wh/kg, and power densities between 15-21 kW/kg. The supercapacitor developed here can excel in this market by providing energy density > 25 Wh/kg and better reliability (>2.0 x 104 cycles); the Phase I work will optimize the properties of our PANF/CNF composite to meet this goal. The supercapacitors will also be well-suited for load-leveling for renewable energy sources; direct societal benefits will come from improving the viability of HEVs and renewable sources, tied to reductions in fossil fuel consumption, providing bridge power for wind and solar power farms, and partially replacing lead acid storage batteries. The results of this work in optimizing PAni composites for supercapacitors will translate well into improved functionality for other applications.
傑姆企業公司收到了SBIR第一階段項目授予資格:硫化錫(II)光伏發電。他們的項目旨在開發光伏設備基於硫化錫(II) (SnS)。SnS的屬性,包括帶隙,載體密度和流動性,化學和熱穩定性,以及冶金性能,保證實現的可能性相對較高的轉換效率先進過程控製和設備設計。在這個項目中,近空間升華(CSS)技術,薄膜製備方法證明了低成本和高可製造性,將用於合成SnS。這個項目的整體/商業影響將可能產生光伏設備基於低成本和環保的材料。毫無疑問,太陽能發電近年來吸引了很多關注,作為替代能源和可再生能源。然而,大多數現有的太陽能電池技術有一個或多個以下問題,(1)原材料不是十分充裕;(2)使用有毒材料;(3)總成本很高。該項目將解決這些問題通過開發光伏設備使用SnS,半導體材料,可以提供大規模和回收成本較低。
光柵合並的公司收到了STTR階段我資助項目標題為:在低成本高效光電薄膜基質層轉移。資助他們的他們的獎是根據2009年美國複蘇與再投資法案》,他們的項目將高縱橫比、納米、柱狀,晶體矽結構作為模板薄膜砷化镓太陽能電池的低成本高質量增長靈活的基質。Sub-10-nm Si種子層將促進增長的低次品密度砷化镓薄膜。納米結構的長寬比也作為刪除完成的犧牲層砷化镓太陽能電池。砷化镓薄膜的外延生長和表征納米矽結構將由新墨西哥大學的高科技中心。成功的階段我STTR研究將導致高的商業化(~ 20%)高效、靈活的太陽能電池應用廣泛的地麵和空間環境。多個襯底重用和Si固有的大麵積處理能力將導致顯著的降低成本。高質量的異質外延砷化镓增長如果一直是一個熱門的研究主題。由於其直接帶隙,砷化镓是有吸引力的光電應用程序和其與Si-based微電子集成一個珍視的目標。晶格和熱膨脹不匹配,如果很難生長良好的設備質量層。 We have recently demonstrated as the Si seed dimension is reduced below 100 nm dimensions, the quality of heteroepitaxial growth increases rapidly. The nm-scale Si structures are formed using low-cost, large area methods based on conventional integrated circuit processing methods. Successful research effort will lead to reduction in PV generation costs, and enhanced applicability of thin-film PV in terrestrial and space environments because in contrast with competing thin-film solar cells, GaAs thin-film solar cells will not suffer from light-induced performance degradation.
Anteos公司收到了SBIR項目二期格蘭特標題為:Relief-Free紅外衍射光學基於半導體材料。他們獎資助在2009年《美國複蘇和再投資法案》(公法111 - 5)和他們的項目將開發新一代的relief-free薄板衍射光學組件操作的紅外區光譜。衍射光學采用體積相位全息結構,這是紅外波長的光學記錄在半導體材料的透明使用專有的照片修改過程產生戲劇性的變化下的材料折射率與低強度光照明。這個項目的第一階段證明可行性建議的概念通過展示照片修改奈米紅外材料和製造第一個模型組件。發達技術可以立即應用於製造的衍射光學、體積相位全息光柵,板材和相位缺陷波長1.9 m,以及增透層波長8米。在二期項目的技術將被優化和應用於製造原型組件長波長的紅外衍射光學的操作,包括重要的CO2激光波長10.6和windows的大氣透明度3 - 5和8 - 12米。發達的照片修改過程的適應性很強並創建一個豐富的技術平台的製造範圍廣泛的各種各樣的市場產品。這項技術的成功實施將導致新一代的高效relief-free紅外衍射光學和sub-wavelength組件,包括衍射光柵、束器,梁牛頭刨床,半導體材料與人工雙折射,相位延遲盤子和波板。紅外衍射光學的relief-free組件基於半導體材料能夠承受高的光強度和執行複雜的管理功能。另一個重要應用是高度穩定的製造anti-reflection紅外半導體光學(AR)層。 The market for infrared diffractive optics includes defense and airspace industry, laser industry, spectral devices, sensors and detectors, night vision optics, industrial process control, material processing, cutting and welding, environmental monitoring, medical diagnostics and surgery. Anteos is a company that received a SBIR Phase II grant for a project entitled: High-Efficiency Nanocomposite Photovoltaics and Solar Cells. Their project is focused on development of an innovative technology for fabrication of high-efficiency thin film nanocomposite photovoltaic materials and solar cells taking advantage of the recently discovered effect of carrier multiplication in semiconductor nanocrystals. The proposed concept employs smart design of the solar cells providing fast and effective spatial separation of electrons and holes photo-generated in the nanocrystals. The proposed reach nanotechnology platform solves the challenging problem of electrical communications with nanoscale objects, such as nanocrystals, nanorods, nanowires, nanotubes, etc. It can be employed for development of many other nanocomposite optoelectronic devices having numerous commercial and military applications. If successful the development of new generation of high-efficiency photovoltaic materials and solar cells based on the demonstrated technology will have broad impact on the entire solar energy industry resulting in considerable energy savings and environmental protection. The technology has great commercialization potential and niche market. The proposed all-inorganic, high-efficiency, thin film, flexible nanostructured photovoltaic materials and solar cells, which can operate in extreme environment conditions and offer significant mass and volume savings, are ideally suitable for numerous applications, including power generating residential rooftops, power supplies for utility grid, emergency signals and telephones, water pumps, activate switches, battery chargers, residential and commercial lighting, etc.