5天改變今天上午TOYOBO CO ., LTD . 3/24財年第一季度業績銷售和營業利潤下降在緩慢複蘇的需求包裝薄膜結合PCR檢測試劑的銷售下滑,盡管銷售增長的偏振器保護液晶顯示器的電影。損失是¥05億。淨銷售額7.8 3/24財政年度營業利潤的預測預報¥150億。和¥40億的淨利潤。保持不變在電影和汽車相關產品的銷量複蘇之際,改善貿易條件。2 (¥bn) 7.8 - 9.5 (¥bn。)- 3.0業務基地61 5免責聲明Toyobo有限公司發表這些內容在07年2023年8月,單獨負責其中所包含的信息。分布式公共,未經審查的和一成不變的,2023年8月07 04:03:06 UTC。分享添加到列表CI CI CI CI公司簡介Toyobo有限公司是一家日本公司主要從事電影和功能樹脂業務,工業材料業務,紡織和商業業務。它有五個業務部門。 Film and Functional Resin segment manufactures, processes and sells packaging films, industrial films, industrial adhesives, engineering plastics and optical functional materials. Industrial Materials segment manufactures, processes and sells automotive fiber materials, super fibers, non-woven fabrics. Textile and Trading segment manufactures and sells functional clothing, apparel products, clothing textiles, and clothing fibers. Healthcare segment manufactures, processes and sells bio products, pharmaceuticals, medical membranes, medical devices, aqua membranes, and functional filters. It is also engaged in the assembly and sale of seawater desalination modules. The Real Estate segment sells, rents and manages movables. It also designs and constructs buildings and machinery and sells equipment. Sector
Toyobo生物製劑的總部位於2 - 8,Dojima哈馬2-chome,大阪。