- 集群的區別
- 轉錄因子
- 分子生物學
申請日 |
授予日期 |
標題 |
相關的話題 |
狀態 |
8/18/2020 |
8/1/2023 |
免疫學、集群的分化,免疫係統,癌症治療,免疫治療 |
格蘭特 |
申請日 |
8/18/2020 |
授予日期 |
8/1/2023 |
標題 |
相關的話題 |
免疫學、集群的分化,免疫係統,癌症治療,免疫治療 |
狀態 |
格蘭特 |
華盛頓州立大學形象:位置的物理墮胎診所(黑色方塊),與30 - 60 - 90分鍾的車程距離根據當前和預計的墮胎限製查看更多信貸:來源:墮胎在美國訪問的地理空間分析在羅伊訴韋德案的逆轉,產科和婦科:7月26日,2023斯波坎,洗。多布斯決定一年後,41.8%的美國婦女的生育年齡要開車30分鍾或更多達成墮胎服務設施,根據一項研究的數據截止到6月2日,2023年。研究人員預計這一數字將上升到53.5%,如果其他國家的賬單正在考慮傳遞。研究估計長驅動器,發現29.3%的女性沒有獲得60分鍾車程內設施和23.6%缺乏甚至在90分鍾的車程。這些數據將分別躍升至45.6%和43%是否通過了新的限製。雖然2022多布斯決定推翻羅伊訴韋德案全國創建了一個墮胎的限製,研究人員發現,國家法律並不一定確定程序的可用性。“這項研究強調了墮胎訪問不僅僅是法律。不僅僅是你居住的國家,因為人們可以跨越國界的醫療費用。有很多其他的因素在起作用,”黎明科普博士說,華盛頓州立大學的職業的副主席Elson弗洛伊德醫學院和該研究的資深作者在《婦產科》雜誌上。例如,科普指出,在威斯康辛州,州禁止墮胎,61.7%的女性仍有訪問在一個90分鍾的開車到設施在鄰國提供墮胎。 Conversely, some states where abortion is legal may still not have good access for lack of facilities and the location of facilities relative to where people reside. For this study, the researchers compared census data for women ages 15-49 to locations of 750 abortion care facilities. The authors note that data limits on gender and age-ranges may not capture all people capable of pregnancy, but it does focus on a large proportion of those affected. The facilities were gathered from lists publicly available online with the intention to mimic what an average person might use if they searched for a provider. Working with the DataLab at the University of California, Davis, the researchers then used “isochrones,” map lines that create travel time areas using actual roads. “Use of geospatial technology and analysis in the field of medicine is a growing area of interest,” said co-author Michele Tobias, a geospatial data specialist at the UC Davis DataLab. While other studies have estimated distances to care, this research focused on the real drives women would have to make. “You hear these broad strokes of certain states banning or restricting abortion, but we were able to see on such a granular level the impact this is having on the lives of everyday American women,” said first author Maeve Alterio, a fourth-year medical student at WSU. The lack of access has potential serious health consequences as other research has found an increase in maternal and neonatal mortality in states with more abortion restrictions. These risks have a greater effect on people with lower incomes, the authors said, since the cost of travel and time off work can put the abortion out of reach for people in places like Texas and states without providers in neighboring areas. Telehealth likely provides access that spans borders for some patients, as many early pregnancy abortions are now done through medication taken at home rather than through a procedure in a clinic. The researchers counted these but could not estimate their geographical reach. They also noted the barriers to telehealth including finding follow-up care in areas where abortion is illegal. Many states have also enacted legislation to ban or restrict telehealth use for abortion. The volatile legal landscape around abortion means the researchers had to re-analyze the data three times as more bills passed or were challenged in court. Navigating these shifts in the legal landscape has added complexity and uncertainty to the lives of American families, Kopp said. “This study adds to the stories patients and clinicians have already shared by giving objective data on how pervasive the difficulty to access comprehensive reproductive health care is in a post Roe v. Wade America,” she said. Journal