網絡和鷹液化天然氣能源交易是成長的催化劑,繁榮和環境改善奧蘭傑士塔/價值/阿魯巴島——鷹液化天然氣Partners LLC(鷹液化天然氣),我們公司總部在休斯頓的德克薩斯和傑克遜維爾,佛羅裏達州,完成了一個長期供應合同建立液化天然氣(LNG)接收和再氣化終端在阿魯巴島WEB阿魯巴島,當地的電力和水利等公用事業。項目確認阿魯巴島作為一個日益重要的區域性軸心並創建新的經濟支柱。今天,交易確認的勞工部長出席了簽字儀式,能源和集成Glenbert cro和WEB AI阿魯巴島。阿魯巴島液化天然氣終端將成為WEB的液化天然氣接收和再氣化終端Balashi電廠。終端將位於Refineria di阿魯巴島,現有的工業區位,阿魯巴島、聖尼古拉斯從鷹液化天然氣,液化天然氣,天然氣將被接收、存儲和re-gasified交付WEB電廠。使用液化天然氣發電利用網絡現有的雙燃料發動機改善投資環境績效和穩定燃油率處於曆史較低價格,同時使引進更多島上間歇性可再生能源發電。“液化天然氣適合WEB阿魯巴島的願景更清潔、更環保和燃油自由生產和我們正在朝著可持續的海水淡化和能源生產和供應。我們歡迎液化天然氣作為燃料,最終應該過渡到混合50%的可再生能源和替代燃料的50%,”WEB AI阿魯巴島說。基礎設施投資大約1億美元在阿魯巴島,當地將創造100工作崗位在施工期間以及高技能操作崗位與專業訓練所需關鍵能力作為世界轉換到一個零碳的未來。項目將推出低成本,穩定能源島和增強其環境憑證。 By moving to LNG from heavy fuel oil or diesel, there will be a significant reduction in harmful emissions: 30 percent in CO2, 75 percent NOx, 90 percent particulates and 99 percent SOx. Sean Lalani, President of Eagle LNG, said, "We are committed to investing in the Caribbean basin and are honored to have signed an agreement for another major LNG project, this time in Aruba. Together with recent agreements elsewhere in the Caribbean basin, including the new terminal in Antigua, this further confirms Eagle LNG as the reliable partner of choice for natural gas in the region. The LNG import terminal will result in more environmentally responsible energy supporting the addition of more renewable generation, lower operating and maintenance costs and a stable, historically low-cost, fuel supply. Alongside the economic and environmental benefits, the transition to LNG powered generation will function as a catalyst for new economic pillars in Aruba. We look forward to being a part of Aruba for many years." "This is an extremely important project for an Aruba that loves its environment, which will produce energy based upon clean energy that will reduce costs of water and electricity to the benefit of all of Aruba," said Glenbert Croes, Aruba Minister of Labour, Energy and Integration. The US Embassy Curacao provided early support for the Aruba project through the US Commerce Department's advocacy program, which encourages US exports while offering counsel on doing business in a foreign country. About Eagle LNG Eagle LNG is a privately held and operated portfolio company of The Energy & Minerals Group. Eagle LNG provides affordable, efficient, and clean-burning energy. It develops small-scale LNG fuelling solutions for marine industries and power generation in the Caribbean and Latin America. Eagle LNG is based in Houston, Texas. For additional information, please visit www.eaglelng.com/aruba . About Utilities Aruba/WEB Aruba In 1990, the Government of Aruba, as sole shareholder, established Utilities Aruba NV, which became the holding company for both power and water production and distribution. Utilities Aruba acts as the liaison between the Government and working entities. In 2009, the Government of Aruba envisioned a new strategy for its utility companies. This vision, announced at the Rio+20 conference, became Aruba's flagship policy aim and the primary role of Utilities Aruba NV, which is taking a leading role in supervising this energy transition.
生態產品集團(EPG)是一種環境技術公司開發專有的節水產品住宅,商業和製度環境。節約用水是全球公認的需要,接受並被大多數市政供水係統要求。EPG技術和產品使消費者節省50% - 70%的水,通常一個水槽流入下水道係統和未使用的。