種子VC - II |活著總了
$2.1百萬 | 6年前馬賽克的分數
美國電話電報公司(AT&T)和Dish在更多5G頻譜上投入數十億美元意大利最新的高速寬帶努力,總部位於英國的Zeetta Networks的排名發生了變化,美國最新的頻譜拍賣結果成為今天新聞的頭條。意大利政府已向網絡運營商發出邀請,為全國689萬戶家庭建設批發千兆寬帶連接,並已從國家複蘇和恢複力計劃中撥款36.5億歐元。有興趣的各方需要在3月16日下午1點之前提交他們的計劃:中標者將在2026年6月底之前完成在其分配的地理區域(總共有15個)的推廣。每個競標者最多可以贏得8個“地段”,並被要求支付至少30%的總成本。最大的一個項目將在意大利撒丁島展開,中標者必須在那裏建設一個高速開放接入寬帶網絡,覆蓋近66.4萬處房產,為此,公共資金將超過3.56億歐元。詳情見本公告。總部位於英國布裏斯托爾的網絡虛擬化軟件專家Zeetta Networks的創始人Vassilis Seferidis在掌舵六年之後選擇辭去首席執行官一職,公司迎來了新的首席執行官。新任首席執行官是Ihab Mahna,他於2021年3月加入公司,擔任產品管理副總裁。他曾在EXFO工作了6年,在那裏他致力於公司開發軟件和解決方案組合。在他職業生涯的早期,馬納曾先後在北電和西門子擔任工程師和開發人員。 In the US, the FCC has just completed an auction of 5G spectrum in the 3.45 GHz band, with AT&T (which spent just over $9 billion) and Dish Network (which, bidding under the name Weminuche LLC, spent $7.33 billion) splashing the most on additional airwaves. T-Mobile US spent $2.9 billion on new capacity, but Verizon didn’t participate. Overall, 23 companies came away from the auction with some spectrum. The results of the process “demonstrate that the Commission’s pivot to mid-band spectrum for 5G was the right move,” said FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel. “I am pleased to see that this auction also is creating opportunities for a wider variety of competitors, including small businesses and rural service providers. This is a direct result of the Commission’s efforts to structure this auction with diversity and competition front of mind.” Read more . Austrian operators A1 Telekom Austria, Hutchison Drei Austria and Magenta Telekom (part of the Deutsche Telekom empire) are the latest to urge the major streaming services providers to contribute towards the cost of building and maintaining the networks over which their services are delivered, the Austria Press Agency reported. The CEOs of the three operators called for new regulations based on what they call a “fair polluter-pays principle” to bring the relationships between global tech giants and the digital ecosystem into “a sustainable balance”. They proposed a “gigabit infrastructure fee”, which would cover not only costs associated with network congestion (experienced majorly during the Covid-19 pandemic) but also other data traffic-linked costs, including environmental expenses due to carbon emissions created from energy consumption. Find out more about the companies’ joint appeal here . Telefónica has deployed a new cloud native platform developed on Red Hat OpenShift and hybrid cloud technology from IBM and has started migrating applications to that platform that support its operations in Spain. “The use of this technology reinforces Telefónica's commitment to containers, already initiated with the Cloud Garden service, and allows it to offer its business clients a service solution developed on Red Hat Openshift,” noted the operator in this announcement (in Spanish). Telefónica has been working on its containerised application platform development with IBM and Red Hat for several years already, first announcing its Cloud Garden development in 2019. - The staff, TelecomTV
Zeetta Networks是什麼時候成立的?
Zeetta Networks成立於2015年。
Zeetta Networks的總部位於布裏斯托爾車站入口的發動機棚。
Zeetta Networks的最新一輪融資是多少?
Zeetta Networks的最新一輪融資是Seed VC - II。
Zeetta Networks籌集了多少資金?
Zeetta Networks共融資390萬美元。
Zeetta Networks的投資者包括Breed Reply、Bloc Ventures和IP Group。
誰是Zeetta Networks的競爭對手?
Zeetta Networks的競爭對手包括Robin。IO和2個以上。
Zeetta Networks提供什麼產品?
Zeetta Networks的產品包括自動化和其他兩種。
比較Zeetta Networks和競爭對手
VAST Data是一家IT基礎設施公司。它的exabyte規模的通用存儲係統完全由高性能閃存媒體構建,並具有若幹特性,其總獲取成本相當於基於硬盤驅動器的歸檔係統。
Aarna Networks是一家軟件公司,致力於為專用5G網絡和邊緣計算應用程序創建編排、管理和自動化平台。該公司成立於2018年,總部位於加利福尼亞州聖何塞。
MayaData是一家數據敏捷性公司,提供軟件來加速基於kubernetes的雲上有狀態應用程序的構建和操作,無論是在本地、公共雲還是混合雲上。2021年11月18日,MayaData被DataCore Software收購。交易條款尚未披露。
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