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CompareAtom BankvsBancacao

Customers evaluate the quality ofAtom Bank's products using the following success metrics.


Atom Bank Logo

Atom Bank is 9 yrs old and is based in United Kingdom.

Atom Bank operates as a digital banking service provider. It allows customers to open accounts using a mobile application, allows to access financial information, and the ability to take advantage of a range of tools. It offers fixed deposit facilities and loan facilities for small and medium enterprises. The company was founded in 2014 and is based in Durham, United Kingdom.

Bancacao Logo

Bancacao is based in Mexico

Bancacao is a developer of banking products. The company's Tzune is a digital financial services platform that offers fair, contactless, and personal solutions.

Founded Year



United Kingdom

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Craig Iley(Founder)

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Atom Bank last raised $36M on 11/25/2022.


Series G - II

Total Raised


Latest Valuation



Toscafund Asset Management,BBVA New Digital Ventures

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Information not available becauseBancacaohas not claimed their profile.

Work forBancacao? Claim your profile by submitting an Analyst Briefing. By submitting you can

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News & Analysis

Atom Bankhas been mentioned in our research4times.

Bancacaohas not been mentioned in our research.

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