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CompareCerapedicsvsTranscend Medical

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Cerapedics Logo

Cerapedics is 23 yrs old and is based in United States.

Cerapedics is a privately held medical device company focused on developing and commercializing osteobiologic products based on its anorganic bone mineral (ABM) and synthetic small peptide (P-15) technology platform for use in a wide variety of spine, trauma and orthopedic surgical procedures. i-FACTOR bone graft is a biologic bone graft that utilizes a synthetic small peptide as an attachment factor intended to stimulate the natural bone healing process resulting in safe, predictable bone formation at a fraction of the cost of growth factors.

Transcend Medical Logo

Transcend Medical is 18 yrs old and is based in United States.

Transcend Medical is focused on the development of minimally invasive medical devices for the treatment of glaucoma, the leading cause of adult irreversible blindness. Over 4 million people in the U.S. and roughly 60 million worldwide are afflicted with the disease today, and the numbers are expected to grow to nearly 6 million in the U.S. and over 70 million worldwide by the year 2015. The company's CyPass Micro-Stent is a micro-invasive glaucoma stent designed to reduce IOP by enhancing aqueous outflow to the suprachoroidal space, one of the eye's natural, alternative drainage pathways. Implanted in the supraciliary space, the CyPass device bypasses the ciliary body by creating a stented micro-cyclodialysis and enhancing the same outflow system targeted by prostaglandin analogues, the most effective medical treatment for IOP. Targeting suprachoroidal outflow bypasses the trabecular meshwork and Schlemm's canal - drainage paths that may be compromised in glaucomatous eyes. While the CE mark for the device was granted in 2008, the CyPass Micro-Stent is currently for investigational use only.

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United States
United States

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Glen Kashuba(Chief Executive Officer)

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Hanson S Gifford(Founder)

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Cerapedics last raised $25M on 3/7/2022.


Series F

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NGN Capital,MedImmune Ventures

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Alcon,Split Rock Partners

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