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最新的10 t基金新聞
柏拉圖數據情報。觀點:1在分解播客最近播出的一集裏,主人Nathaniel Whittemore Dan Tapiero采訪了創始人之一10 t控股和投資領域裏的知名人物。Tapiero,用他豐富的經驗在宏觀投資和全球金融係統的深刻理解,分享了他的見解在一係列的話題,從黃金的持久價值的革命潛力比特幣。黃金的價值Tapiero開始討論黃金的價值,一個話題他是精通。他強調,黃金一直是保值的幾千年來,它不會很快消失。他指出,黃金是一個12萬億美元的市場,它是金融體係的重要組成部分。他還指出,黃金是一種堅硬的資產,這意味著它提供收入不像債券或股票。然而,這是一個很好的對衝通脹和貨幣貶值。在這個世界上,央行印鈔以前所未有的速度,黃金作為通脹對衝工具的價值比以往任何時候都更重要。比特幣的崛起,接下來,Tapiero他的注意力轉向了比特幣。 He described Bitcoin as a “monetary revolution” and a “societal revolution.” He believes that Bitcoin is not just a new asset class, but it’s also a new technology and a new network. Tapiero highlighted that Bitcoin is still in its early stages and is a $1 trillion market compared to gold’s $12 trillion. However, he believes that Bitcoin has the potential to grow significantly in the future. He compared Bitcoin’s current stage to the internet in the early 1990s, suggesting that we’re just seeing the beginning of what Bitcoin can become. Gold vs. Bitcoin –> When asked about comparing gold and Bitcoin, Tapiero stated that it’s not a zero-sum game. He believes that both gold and Bitcoin can coexist and serve different purposes. Gold is a proven store of value, while Bitcoin is a new technology with enormous potential. He also pointed out that the two assets appeal to different demographics. Gold is more popular among older generations, while Bitcoin is more popular among younger generations. This generational divide could influence the future dynamics of these assets. The Future of Gold and Bitcoin Looking ahead, Tapiero is optimistic about both gold and Bitcoin. He believes that gold will remain a reliable store of value, especially in an environment of monetary inflation. At the same time, he sees enormous potential for Bitcoin as it continues to develop and gain acceptance. In conclusion, Tapiero’s insights provide a balanced perspective on the future of gold and Bitcoin. He recognizes the value of both assets and believes that they can coexist and serve different purposes in the financial system. His views underscore the importance of diversification and the need to understand the unique characteristics of each asset. [embedded content]
10 t基金投資
10 t基金18歲的投資。他們最新的投資Blockworks作為他們的一部分一個係列在2023年5月5日。
10 t基金投資活動
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
5/9/2023 |
一個係列 |
Blockworks |
12美元 |
是的 |
2 |
3/30/2023 |
C - II係列 |
分類帳 |
108美元 |
沒有 |
8 |
1/24/2023 |
B係列 |
QuickNode |
60美元 |
是的 |
25 |
1/4/2023 |
A - II係列 |
9/26/2022 |
一個係列 |
日期 |
5/9/2023 |
3/30/2023 |
1/24/2023 |
1/4/2023 |
9/26/2022 |
輪 |
一個係列 |
C - II係列 |
B係列 |
A - II係列 |
一個係列 |
公司 |
Blockworks |
分類帳 |
QuickNode |
量 |
12美元 |
108美元 |
60美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
沒有 |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
2 |
8 |
25 |
10 t基金基金的曆史
10 t基金有3 基金,包括10 t DAE擴張基金。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
9/8/2021 |
10 t DAE擴張基金 |
389美元 |
1 |
9/8/2021 |
10 t基金 |
3.0 10 t DAE基金 |
截止日期 |
9/8/2021 |
9/8/2021 |
基金 |
10 t DAE擴張基金 |
10 t基金 |
3.0 10 t DAE基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
389美元 |
來源 |
1 |
10 t基金團隊
10 t基金有2 團隊成員,包括,。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
斯坦Mironshik |
創始人 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
斯坦Mironshik |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
創始人 |
狀態 |
當前的 |