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最新的10 x集團新聞
使生活更容易在中小企業財務部門btov夥伴投資210萬歐元的種子融資輪一起10 x集團的現有投資者finway連接金融和商業部門的控製和簡化支付流程以及所有費用和預算慕尼黑03/25/2021建國僅僅8個月之後,finway獲得種子資金輪210萬歐元。新投資者包括btov夥伴,Andrej Henkler和其他商業天使。前麵的投資者在Felix哈斯和10倍組也參加了。新資本流入的擴張主要是產品開發和客戶支持。目標是構建的主要平台規劃、處理和控製所有企業費用中小企業在歐洲。finway特別針對中小企業的需求,提供透明和實時控製預算和費用。平台支持財務和業務部門之間的密切合作來管理任何開支和支付通過網上銀行或finway卡片。在未來,finway團隊將繼續擴大領域的采購、支付和財務規劃通過自己的產品和集成。盧卡·馬蒂內利btov合夥人,投資:“finway相信我們作為一個整體解決方案領域的卓越費用管理通過一個明確的重點產品。finway地址一個主題,關注每一個中小企業和管理複雜的內部流程進入一個易於使用的解決方案,涵蓋了完整的流程費用。 Our analysis has shown that most SMEs still handle the majority of these processes manually. Considering that there are more than 1.9 million SMEs in Europe, we see a huge market potential for a solution like finway. As we have known the company for quite some time, we have been able to witness finway’s rapid development with our own eyes.” “finway solves a well-known problem for SMEs. Many businesses still use Excel, isolated tools or paper to manage their expenses. finway digitises and automates this work, providing finance departments with the transparency they need to deliver the right numbers to the business quickly and reliably. I am very impressed with what the team has already achieved in such a short time and convinced that finway has what it takes to become the market leader,” adds Felix Haas, 10x Group, founder of IDnow and Bits & Pretzels. Jennifer Dussileck, Co-Founder of finway, says: “We chose btov as our partner because they can support us as an experienced investor with the right know-how and network. With finway, we want to achieve a leading market position in Europe in the coming years. The fact that our existing investors are securing further shares in the company shows that they are fully convinced of our team and our platform.” About finway: finway was founded in 2020 by Csaba Krümmer, Jennifer Dussileck and Philipp Rieger with the vision of automating and radically simplifying the work of finance departments in SMEs. finway supports employees in organisations by providing efficient and automated financial processes so they can focus on the important things: Creating value for their customers. About btov Partners: btov Partners, founded in 2000, is a European venture capital firm focused on digital and industrial technologies. btov’s network of entrepreneurial private investors combines unique expertise and access to non-disclosed investment themes and founders. The digital tech team focuses on start-ups primarily in the areas of AI, digital health, fintech, SaaS, logistics and digital marketplaces. With offices in Berlin, Munich, St. Gallen and Luxembourg, the company manages assets of more than EUR 500 million. Its best-known investments include Blacklane, DeepL, Foodspring, Happify, ORCAM, Raisin, SumUp and XING. About 10x Group: The 10x Group are four Munich-based entrepreneurs who have successfully built several internet companies and invest in founding teams in Europe and Silicon Valley. www.10x.group
10 x集團投資
10 x集團15投資。他們最新的投資Finway作為他們的一部分一個係列在2023年2月2日。
10 x集團投資活動
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
2/23/2023 |
一個係列 |
Finway |
9.76美元 |
沒有 |
3 |
2/8/2023 |
B - II係列 |
Enmacc |
沒有 |
6 |
10/17/2022 |
種子VC -二世 |
量子係統 |
17.5美元 |
沒有 |
2 |
9/28/2022 |
B係列 |
7/12/2022 |
C - II係列 |
10 x集團投資退出
10 x集團有2投資組合出口。他們最新的投資退出Cantourage 在2022年11月11日。
日期 |
退出 |
公司 |
收購者 |
來源 |
11/11/2022 |
首次公開募股 |
公共 |
1 |
日期 |
11/11/2022 |
退出 |
首次公開募股 |
公司 |
估值 |
收購者 |
公共 |
來源 |
1 |
10 x集團團隊
10 x集團有3 團隊成員,包括當前的創始合夥人,簡·貝克爾。
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工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
簡•貝克 |
創始合夥人 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
簡•貝克 |
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創始合夥人 |
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當前的 |