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蘇格蘭視頻麵試啟動土地£250 k投資後鎖定繁榮Willo,蘇格蘭科技初創企業,允許用戶輕鬆地在視頻采訪規模,提高了£250 k的種子輪從Guernsey-based VC 1818風險投資和董事會成員。重大資金將允許該設備視頻麵試軟件公司,每個月至少增長80%自4月份以來,國際公司進一步成長,開始招募24職員,推進產品開發。一位位平台已經在全球60多個國家使用。大流行之前,95%的企業招聘但Willo封鎖以來大大多樣化。自3月以來,60%的新業務已經出現在許多其他領域,包括評論、訓練、學習和發展,展示平台的通用性。創始人和CEO尤安卡梅倫說:“我們見證了巨大的增長,全球範圍內的企業被迫麵對麵的訪談和磋商解決事實已不再可能,和所需的資源進行放大或Skype的一切都是禁止的。”以及尋找解決方案與潛在的新兵,企業必須迅速行動,找到有效的方法來與遠程員工和顧客交流。這種需求沒有放緩的跡象,我們適應一種新的正常,部分原因我們已經能夠安全投資開發平台,把我們的業務更上一層樓。“我們非常自豪我們到目前為止所取得的成就,這已經非常有益的有多少胃口一直為我們服務。與1818年風險資本的投資和技術,我們對未來感到非常興奮。” 1818 Venture capital CIO Marc Cohen commented, “As the pandemic hit, we moved quickly to identify companies which helped people and businesses thrive in the fast-changing environment. During this time, we began using Willo’s product and were compelled by its simplicity and quality. “While Willo’s growth has accelerated because of the pandemic, given the strength and vision of its management team, we truly believe the company has huge potential. Regardless of whether the trend towards homeworking continues, the need to communicate efficiently and effectively with people remotely will always be a priority for businesses around the world. “ Earlier this year, Willo secured £20K in funding from Scottish Enterprise. In addition to more than £200k of VC investment, board members Steve Perry, Stefan Ciecierski and Peter Preston also contributed further funds to prepare the company for further growth. ENDS. Notes to Editors; Founded in 2018, Glasgow-based Willo Technologies high-tech SaaS platform enables businesses to communicate with people on video at scale, faster than Zoom or Skype calls. Board of Directors Former Chief Digital Officer of Visa Europe, Dr Steve Perry is the Chairman. Managing Director at Search Consultancy, Peter Preston , and CEO of PSD Group Stefan Ciecierski hold positions as advisers. Dr. Steve Perry brings with him more than 25 years in leadership roles at Visa Europe including Head of Strategy, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Commercial Officer and Chief Digital Officer. He also has extensive experience investing in and advising FinTech and data analytics start-ups and providing support and advice to private equity funds. As managing director for Search Consultancy, one of the largest recruitment agencies in the UK, Peter Preston offers more than 17 years’ experience in recruitment, learning & development, technology and software consultancy, and has supported both global brands and startups in the scaling up of their technology solutions. Stefan Ciecierski boasts over 30 years in leadership roles across the global recruitment industry, alongside experience of holding CEO positions in both private and public companies. His expertise lies in founding and selling businesses, building management teams and returning strong shareholder returns, with a particular focus on cutting-edge technology. For additional information, or for interview requests, please contact Gregor Hollerin on 0781 332 0162 or email [email protected]
1818年風險資本32次投資。他們最新的投資少休息作為他們的一部分A - II係列在2022年12月12日。
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
12/20/2022 |
A - II係列 |
少休息 |
7.22美元 |
沒有 |
1 |
12/15/2022 |
種子VC -二世 |
Greenspark |
1.22美元 |
是的 |
1 |
12/12/2022 |
種子VC - III |
一位位 |
1.83美元 |
沒有 |
2 |
12/9/2022 |
種子風投 |
11/15/2022 |
計劃 |
日期 |
12/20/2022 |
12/15/2022 |
12/12/2022 |
12/9/2022 |
11/15/2022 |
輪 |
A - II係列 |
種子VC -二世 |
種子VC - III |
種子風投 |
計劃 |
公司 |
少休息 |
Greenspark |
一位位 |
量 |
7.22美元 |
1.22美元 |
1.83美元 |
新的嗎? |
沒有 |
是的 |
沒有 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
1818年風險資本有2 基金,包括執行副總裁我C。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
4/22/2020 |
執行副總裁我C |
2.73美元 |
1 |
4/15/2020 |
執行副總裁,我 |
截止日期 |
4/22/2020 |
4/15/2020 |
基金 |
執行副總裁我C |
執行副總裁,我 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
2.73美元 |
來源 |
1 |