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kayak Koop技術提出了一個由賓夕法尼亞州數目不明的資金,保險技術公司總部集中在機器人的生態係統,Koop技術提出了一筆金額未公開的資金。2023年7月17日,該公司宣布了這一消息。小巷機器人項目,一個紐約的投資者關注變革的企業領域的機器人,領導公司的融資。同時,融合等現有基金和投資者普遍企業、蜜蜂夥伴,WestWave資本,確保企業加入了投資。融資Koop技術最新的融資目的,瘦身尋求規模分布的旗艦保險計劃與倫敦勞合社合作。它還旨在與一些世界級的保險公司合作。同時,Koop打算基金跨多個分銷渠道推廣其產品。此外,該公司旨在進一步投資於產品開發。公司的官方所添加謝爾蓋•利特維年科聯合創始人兼首席執行官,說:“我很高興歡迎巷機器人Koop家族企業。盡管具有挑戰性的經濟環境,我們發現一個強大的合作夥伴,我們對未來的願景的金融保護服務機器人原始設備製造商和服務提供商。 It’s a special time to build in robotics, and we are excited to have fresh capital to support our customers. Just over the last 12 months, we pioneered a Koop API autonomous vehicle integration, grew the book of business 3x across 14 robotics use cases, posted a top-percentile Loss Ratio across the whole portfolio, and gained a prestigious Coverholder status with world-renowned Lloyd’s of London. I’m thrilled to achieve the next milestones with Alley Robotics Ventures.” He further added, “Koop equips the world of robotics with reliable coverage, pricing benefits, and risk-control tools. It’s a comprehensive, end-to-end product that solves many pain points and minimizes liability risks in robotics.” What the lead investor has to add Abe Murray, General Partner at Alley Robotics Ventures, further added, “It’s crucial for the robotics industry to instil trust in end-users to drive adoption. Naturally, insurance is the necessary layer of trust that robotics lacked until Koop came into the scene. As the robotics industry continues to experience massive adoption and innovation across verticals, Koop will become an industry household name as companies and organizations look to understand and mitigate emerging risks. Koop has already shown tremendous traction and momentum within the insurance industry, and we are looking forward to their continued growth.” About the company Kamron Khodjaev and Sergey Litvinenko launched the company in 2020. Koop Technologies operates as an insurance technology company dedicated to the robotics ecosystem. The company’s platform leverages alternative data to perform risk evaluation for a range of robotics use cases, such as autonomous vehicles. Koop Technologies has licences to operate in more than 30 U.S. states through its insurance subsidiary and partners with some of the leading insurance carriers. For more extensive analysis and Market Intelligence reports, feel free to approach us. We try our best to fact-check and bring well-researched as well as non-plagiarized content to you. Please let us know if there are any discrepancies in any of our published stories, -how we can improve, -what stories you would like us to cover –what information you are looking for in the comments section below or through our contact form! We look forward to your feedback, and thank you for stopping by!
小巷機器人項目7投資。他們最新的投資Koop技術作為他們的一部分種子VC -二世在2023年7月7日。
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公司 |
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新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
7/11/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
Koop技術 |
3.2美元 |
是的 |
2 |
2/22/2023 |
計劃 |
1/25/2023 |
種子風投 |
12/20/2022 |
一個係列 |
11/29/2022 |
種子風投 |