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分享農村——FinTech啟動Navadhan已經籌集了150萬美元的種子輪由Varanium NexGen, FinTech集中基金。現有投資者Anicut資本共同圓玄葉光一郎在資本也出席了會議。Navadhan將使用資金,進一步構建其AceN科技平台。平台連接農村小企業(msm) nbfc和銀行。注冊/ 2,00000客戶和支付超過120與Ugro等15家銀行合作,Vivriti,弧北部、裏海、Unitus TruCap。該平台提供了一個無縫的數字新員工培訓經驗,簡化客戶旅程和消除文書工作。數據科學的力量,Navadhan專有alternative-underwriting模型評估數字足跡和現金流代理。這解決了因缺乏收入證明等文件,使得銀行遠離市場。這種創新方法解決主要的挑戰(現金經濟在農村市場和有限的銀行記錄。談到開發、Nitin Agrawal創始人首席執行官Navadhan所提到的,“我們將和revenue-first fintech。 Our mission is to help create new wealth for the rural small entrepreneurs by solving for their challenges. We are leveraging Tech using alternative-credit, predictive analytics backed by data sciences. With both Tech and People on-ground, we are making it work for the NBFCs and Banks to generate priority sector assets. The new fund raise will add tailwinds to our growth plans. As the Smart-phone and UPI penetration improves, we have an early mover advantage in the rural markets.” Speaking about the development, Aparajit Bhandarkar of Varanium NexGen mentioned, “India is growing and Rural markets are not far behind. While most of the fintech space is focussed at Tier-1,2,3, we saw Navadhan’s focus on the informal market as a potential high-growth area. Navadhan’s founders are seasoned professionals with credible experience in financial services. With the right TAM, Team, Tech, and Traction, they are building an early mover’s advantage in rural-markets. Tech-led approach gives non-linear scalability to their model. We see Navadhan as a potential market leader in making.” Last year, the startup had raised pre-Seed funding from Anicut, BOPA, Flowstate and other angels like Prasanna Rao (Arya.ag), Sarah Djari (Impact Fintech PE). With the current round, Navadhan has raised a total funding of $16m in equity and debt lines with NBFC partners. Previous Article Digital monthly issue Global coverage
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6/21/2023 |
種子風投 |
Navadhan |
1.5美元 |
是的 |
4 |
6/7/2023 |
種子風投 |
Attron汽車 |
0.58美元 |
是的 |
3 |
5/16/2023 |
計劃 |
Leumas |
0.85美元 |
是的 |
1 |
5/15/2023 |
C係列 |
5/4/2023 |
種子風投 |
日期 |
6/21/2023 |
6/7/2023 |
5/16/2023 |
5/15/2023 |
5/4/2023 |
輪 |
種子風投 |
種子風投 |
計劃 |
C係列 |
種子風投 |
公司 |
Navadhan |
Attron汽車 |
Leumas |
量 |
1.5美元 |
0.58美元 |
0.85美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
是的 |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
Anicut資本有8 基金,包括Anicut機會基金。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
6/7/2022 |
Anicut機會基金 |
23.65美元 |
1 |
1/12/2022 |
大Anicut二世 |
11/14/2019 |
債券基金二世 |
12/31/2016 |
大Anicut我 |
第二大Anicut基金 |
截止日期 |
6/7/2022 |
1/12/2022 |
11/14/2019 |
12/31/2016 |
基金 |
Anicut機會基金 |
大Anicut二世 |
債券基金二世 |
大Anicut我 |
第二大Anicut基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
23.65美元 |
來源 |
1 |
Anicut資本有2 團隊成員,包括,。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
Ias Balamurugan |
創始人 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
Ias Balamurugan |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
創始人 |
狀態 |
當前的 |