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188bet游戏CB見解情報分析家提到Anthos資本4 188bet游戏CB見解研究簡報,最近在2022年6月6日。
Gretel AI提高50美元來增強技術,創建匿名,合成數據集的工程師2021年9月3日
即時生活輔導創業費羅宣布了23美元mn在A輪Anthos資本。這是印度最大的係列一輪edtech空間。圓也看到從現有投資者更好地參與資本隨著GSV,樹苗資本,和許多著名的個人投資者包括Gokul拉賈拉姆,Rob Frohwein(聯合創始人- Kabbage),配偶Pencz & Florian Hagenbuch(創始人,閣樓)和羅斯利普森(創始人之一,達奇)。費羅將使用基金主要是為產品開發深入到建模教學規模,擴大團隊,開發新的類別,並擴展其導師全國基地。近一年來,費羅已經超過150萬次的下載,超過350 k月度活躍用戶和壓倒性的學生的評論。24 x7生活平台出現在超過15個國家,擁有超過40000 +導師的平台是迄今為止世界上最大的導師池。在未來12個月內,平台計劃在印度各地200000多個導師,每天進行200萬人生活類。該公司提出了一個計劃輪在概念階段,然後一輪200萬美元的種子在2021年9月——從更好的資本,同時還能在隱身模式下工作。費羅是由一組連續企業家和經驗豐富的工程師,Imbesat艾哈邁德(IIT Kharagpur) Shadman出全新(IIT德裏)和羅希特·庫馬爾(IIT Kharagpur)熱衷於大規模交付高質量的教育經驗。Imbesat是一個教育工作者和企業家曾創立上升,查謨和克什米爾的知名教育機構為藍本的超級30,他的母校,和認為幫助成千上萬的貧困學生國家土地的理工學院,常春藤大學。 Shadman Anwer co-founded Triplived, a travel curation, and recommendation app before building a scalable tech infrastructure, AR experiences, and receipt recognition systems in his last role at MagicPin, the hyperlocal shopping platform. Rohit Kumar started his career with Microsoft, before launching his own startup, ThirdDime in visual arts. Later he joined MagicPin as a founding team member where he brought his expertise of building tech-driven companies and helped the platform to scale from scratch to billion dollar GMV business. Imbesat Ahmad, Founder and CEO of Filo said, “At Filo, we are extremely passionate about technology and how it can help students achieve their goals. One of the biggest challenges that students face in their journey are learning gaps which become visible when they are attempting to solve problems on their own. Quick resolutions at this time, when they are fully involved, smoothens their path extensively. However, building a solution like this requires deep engineering and AI capabilities; which is what we have been working on for the last 1.5 years. We have also proven a cash-efficient high pull model which is a first of its kind in the current edtech space. This round of funding will give exponential pace to an already hyper-growth trajectory of Filo and help us scale the tech and innovation opportunities. We are glad our investors share a similar vision for Filo as our leadership team. The combined strategic synergies will help us realize our mission to make the concept of ‘instant live tutoring’ a success worldwide.” Annie Luchsinger, Investor, Anthos Capital said, “We are excited about Filo because of their unique value proposition to students that has resulted in rapid traction and outstanding customer advocacy. Their ability to effectively and seamlessly match teachers and students in a matter of seconds we believe to be unmatched in the market today and is a use case that can extend globally. We're thrilled to partner with Imbesat and the Filo team.” Vaibhav Domkundwar, Founder and CEO of Better Capital said, “Filo solves the most crucial “understanding problem” in education with a unique product experience that worked almost right away giving us instant validation on multiple fronts. I’ve been impressed with the quality of execution & am excited to see Filo continue to scale its platform to serve millions of students.” Share this article:
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
1/24/2023 |
一個係列 |
DevZero |
21美元 |
是的 |
8 |
10/21/2022 |
一個係列 |
奧德賽互動 |
19美元 |
是的 |
5 |
10/17/2022 |
種子風投 |
10美元 |
是的 |
3 |
10/4/2022 |
C - II係列 |
8/29/2022 |
B係列 |
日期 |
1/24/2023 |
10/21/2022 |
10/17/2022 |
10/4/2022 |
8/29/2022 |
輪 |
一個係列 |
一個係列 |
種子風投 |
C - II係列 |
B係列 |
公司 |
DevZero |
奧德賽互動 |
量 |
21美元 |
19美元 |
10美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
是的 |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
8 |
5 |
3 |
Anthos資本有6 基金,包括ACD投資者。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
1/31/2019 |
ACD投資者 |
多階段風險投資 |
關閉 |
30.5美元 |
1 |
4/10/2015 |
Anthos資本三世 |
10/15/2013 |
Anthos資本二公司 |
第四Anthos資本投資 |
第四Anthos資本 |
截止日期 |
1/31/2019 |
4/10/2015 |
10/15/2013 |
基金 |
ACD投資者 |
Anthos資本三世 |
Anthos資本二公司 |
第四Anthos資本投資 |
第四Anthos資本 |
基金類型 |
多階段風險投資 |
狀態 |
關閉 |
量 |
30.5美元 |
來源 |
1 |