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Percepto——領先的自主檢查和監控解決方案提供商——宣布了一項67美元的結合C係列股票和債券融資由科赫顛覆性技術(KDT),與新投資者齊默合作夥伴和美國最大的能源公司之一。從現有投資者和一輪融資包括參與美國風險夥伴,我們持有條規,Atento資本,蜘蛛的資本,和阿金控股,使公司的總投資超過1.2億美元,反映出Percepto強勁的性能和健壯的提供信心。該公司最近收到了前所未有的,全國性的視線之外(BVLOS)豁免聯邦航空局,使該公司能夠提供任何我們網站關鍵基礎設施與遙控自動化的無人駕駛飛機不需要網站具體從聯邦航空局批準。被稱為行業的遊戲規則,這個豁免刪除物流和成本壁壘,如需要雷達或人在地麵上,引發自主無人機技術的采用。重工業麵臨重大挑戰的操作效率,維持可靠的關鍵基礎設施,滿足高生產率的期望,並提高安全水平,在麵對複雜、危險和老化的基礎設施資產。和Percepto幫助工業企業節省七位數的金額和應對這些挑戰通過啟用實時可見性設施的基礎設施的完整性,並找到失敗之前升級為事件。在一個案例中,一個石油和天然氣的客戶使用Percepto的空氣馬克斯奧吉無人機在數小時內檢測到甲烷氣體泄漏,可能已經忽略了幾個月使用傳統方法,節省公司數百萬美元,工人減少安全風險,防止環境破壞。Percepto自主檢驗和監控(AIM),這是該公司的端到端目視檢查解決方案由自主的無人機,機器人和人工智能,使關鍵基礎設施網站通過自動化提高檢查的頻率和質量。和解決方案自動化整個視覺檢查工作流程,從數據收集到AI-powered分析和見解。氣體泄漏等問題,與Percepto目的過熱和基礎設施檢測到惡化快所以公司像西門子能源可以采取預防措施,使網站更有效率,減少環境和安全的風險事件,以滿足環境、社會和公司治理(ESG)的目標。 KEY QUOTES: “KDT’s reinvestment underlines their confidence in our ability to make companies more profitable by keeping infrastructure operational in the face of the unpredictable. Organizations are increasingly discovering the benefits of autonomous and remote drone operations to automate facility inspections and data analysis across their sites. With this new round of funding, new strategic investors, and the new regulations that significantly increase the access to using autonomous drones, the conditions are ripe for the autonomous drone market to expand, and for Percepto to meet the growing demand for automated drone inspections and monitoring at industrial sites.” — Percepto Co-founder and CEO Dor Abuhasira “Percepto is a powerful force in boosting the accessibility of automated drones for industrial inspection and monitoring. Having deployed Percepto’s technology across various Koch companies, we are experiencing first-hand how its innovative R&D improves inspection and monitoring. Their work to create a clear regulatory path for this technology puts it in a strong market position, firmly stationed at the forefront of the industry. We look forward to continuing our journey with Percepto as it sets the new standard for making industrial operations safe, efficient and sustainable.” — Chase Koch, Founder and CEO of Koch Disruptive Technologies “Percepto’s unique AI technology provides heavy industry with a path to maximize their efficiency and ensure smooth operations both in terms of providing a safe environment for workers and generating high productivity levels. We are impressed with Percepto’s growth within a turbulent market, and look forward to working with them as they continue to pioneer drone regulations and innovations that will help deliver commercial value to our customers while fulfilling their environmental responsibilities.” — Siemens Energy Venture Partner Illai Gescheit Trending on Pulse 2.0
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6/12/2023 |
C係列 |
Percepto |
50美元 |
沒有 |
9 |
6/12/2023 |
債務 |
Percepto |
16美元 |
沒有 |
6 |
6/7/2023 |
Unattributed VC - 4 |
紅峽穀資源 |
0.19美元 |
沒有 |
1 |
5/16/2023 |
種子風投 |
4/25/2023 |
一個係列 |
日期 |
6/12/2023 |
6/12/2023 |
6/7/2023 |
5/16/2023 |
4/25/2023 |
輪 |
C係列 |
債務 |
Unattributed VC - 4 |
種子風投 |
一個係列 |
公司 |
Percepto |
Percepto |
紅峽穀資源 |
量 |
50美元 |
16美元 |
0.19美元 |
新的嗎? |
沒有 |
沒有 |
沒有 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
9 |
6 |
1 |