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188bet游戏CB見解情報分析家提到安盛投資夥伴2 188bet游戏CB見解研究簡報,最近在2023年3月20日。
分析安盛Venture Partners的投資策略:保險的CVC揭示對未來的投資2020年7月22日
幾周後發布€15億年底增長基金,AVP(安盛Venture Partners)加強其領導團隊和任命伊麗莎白de Saint-Aignan作為普通合夥人,負責後期增長基金的北美。以前太陽資本董事總經理,伊麗莎白帶來了超過20年的經驗作為一個私人股本投資者在增長,高價值的科技公司。伊麗莎白將總部設在紐約,在美國加強了領導團隊。巴黎——(業務線)avon加速後期增長戰略的發展和任命一個新的普通合夥人在紐約誰將負責後期增長基金的北美。伊麗莎白是一位有經驗的領導人非常鼓舞人心的國際背景和傑出的私人股本市場的記錄。她的科技行業知識,通過20多年的經濟增長股票的經驗,將為AVP平台非常有價值,特別是對新增長戰略。伊麗莎白曾在太陽Capital Partners公司(“太陽資本”),一家領先的私人投資公司專注於投資市場領先企業自2020年以來,作為董事總經理。伊麗莎白領導公司技術的垂直和投資平台公司Exadel LoanLogics以及許多附加的收購。太陽資本之前,伊麗莎白的創始合夥人跳資本增長股票策略和在TA度過了七年多的同事在技術投資實踐,主要投資於基礎設施和垂直市場的軟件公司。在TA她伽馬技術的董事會,答案和Arxan。 Elizabeth has experience helping several companies to prepare for their IPOs. Prior to joining TA Associates in 2010, she spent time at Nautic Partners and Bain & Company. Elizabeth began her private equity career as an Associate at Summit Partners. “On behalf of the AVP team, I am extremely happy and proud to welcome Elizabeth as a General Partner at AVP. Elizabeth will contribute to building out our new Late Growth Fund strategy, in particular in North America. With the launch of this new strategy, we now have the capacity to support entrepreneurs along their journey, from early stage to IPO, but also post IPO which is a key differentiator in the market. To support the new strategy, we were looking for an experienced senior investor with a track record in the tech industry. With over 20 years experience as a private equity investor in growing, high value technology companies, Elizabeth is the right profile to reinforce our leadership team especially in New York. In the context of the launch of the new Late Growth Fund, we will in the next few month announce other senior recruitments in Europe to complete the team. I believe that the AVP team, after 7 years of successfully working together, is ready to welcome new members for the next AVP chapter” commented François Robinet, AVP Managing Partner. “I am very happy to join the AVP team and to contribute to the strategy and execution of the Late Growth Fund, as well as participating more broadly in the general leadership of AVP as a new General Partner. I have been impressed by the quality of the AVP platform and by the strong cohesion and culture of the team. I appreciate the entrepreneurial spirit and the strong commitment to building a world-class investment platform, the launch of the new Late Growth Fund being the latest concrete example. I believe my background is very relevant for the new Late Growth Fund as I have been investing in large tech companies for more than 20 years, and have helped several of them in their journey towards IPO. I believe the timing is perfect to launch such a strategy and I am thrilled to be part of it”, commented Elizabeth de Saint-Aignan, AVP General Partner. — About AVP AVP is a global venture capital firm investing in high-growth, technology-enabled companies, with €1.3bn of assets under management through three pillars of investment expertise: early stage, growth stage, and fund of funds. Since its launch in 2016, AVP has deployed capital across 60 technology companies in venture and growth stages in the US and in Europe. The launch of this new product confirms AVP’s ambition and commitment to support the best tech companies throughout their full lifecycle. With offices in New York, London and Paris, AVP helps companies scale internationally and offers portfolio companies unique resources to enable them to further accelerate their growth. AVP is part of AXA IM-Alts, the alternative investment business unit of AXA IM.
安盛Venture Partners的投資
安盛Venture Partners的投資活動
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
5/3/2023 |
B係列 |
Hackajob |
25美元 |
沒有 |
6 |
3/21/2023 |
F係列 |
Gravie |
179美元 |
沒有 |
5 |
1/23/2023 |
B係列 |
Dayforward |
25美元 |
是的 |
6 |
11/8/2022 |
B係列 |
10/11/2022 |
一個係列 |
安盛企業合作夥伴有17投資組合出口。他們最新的投資退出歌詞 在2023年6月16日。
日期 |
退出 |
公司 |
收購者 |
來源 |
6/16/2023 |
收購了 |
2 |
4/25/2023 |
收購了 |
13 |
4/11/2023 |
收購了 |
9 |
安盛企業合作夥伴有12 基金,包括AVP增長基金二世。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
4/6/2021 |
AVP增長基金二世 |
297.76美元 |
2 |
5/8/2020 |
走上多元化的二世 |
217.03美元 |
1 |
9/18/2019 |
安盛後期增長基金 |
276.56美元 |
1 |
1/22/2019 |
AVP早期二世 |
11/17/2017 |
安盛戰略投資基金的基金 |
截止日期 |
4/6/2021 |
5/8/2020 |
9/18/2019 |
1/22/2019 |
11/17/2017 |
基金 |
AVP增長基金二世 |
走上多元化的二世 |
安盛後期增長基金 |
AVP早期二世 |
安盛戰略投資基金的基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
297.76美元 |
217.03美元 |
276.56美元 |
來源 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
安盛Venture Partners已2戰略合作夥伴和客戶。安盛最近與合資夥伴Contguard在2019年4月4日。
日期 |
類型 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
新聞片段 |
來源 |
4/15/2019 |
合作夥伴 |
以色列 |
安盛XL,今天與Contguard合作,宣布啟動“貨物”,實時數字連接貨物跟蹤方案旨在幫助法國企業優化其供應鏈。 |
1 |
6/6/2018 |
供應商 |
日期 |
4/15/2019 |
6/6/2018 |
類型 |
合作夥伴 |
供應商 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
以色列 |
新聞片段 |
安盛XL,今天與Contguard合作,宣布啟動“貨物”,實時數字連接貨物跟蹤方案旨在幫助法國企業優化其供應鏈。 |
來源 |
1 |