
AZ Crown投資



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關於AZ Crown投資

AZ Crown Investments是一家私人投資公司,通過為優質投資機會帶來廣泛的行業知識、運營專長和領導能力,創造長期價值。該公司通過成長資本、股權價值投資和早期風險投資,對企業發展的各個階段進行投資。它的投資組合涉及多個領域,包括娛樂和媒體、能源和自然資源、金融和信息服務以及技術。


1305 W自動Dr。




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信息:*必選項AZ Crown領投智能電子郵件平台,將公司業務主要轉移到美國。Black Pearl Mail是一家將電子郵件轉變為智能數字營銷工具的提供商,今天宣布他們已經完成了將總部從新西蘭惠靈頓轉移到亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾的決定。黑珍珠正在矽穀招聘和擴張,同時也在新西蘭惠靈頓發展他們的研發中心。該公司得到了風險投資基金AZ Crown的支持,後者曾與黑珍珠郵件合作組建了一支經驗豐富的領導團隊。最近,該公司迎來了Cherryl Pressley擔任首席執行官,Corey Frank擔任首席收入官。“黑珍珠郵件不僅僅是另一個電子郵件平台;它是一種強大的營銷分析技術,可以將電子郵件從一個隻有最低限度可操作數據洞察的“愚蠢”工具轉變為一個為組織客戶提供最佳體驗的“智能”中心,”AZ Crown投資公司負責人兼黑珍珠郵件董事會主席蒂姆·克朗(Tim Crown)說。“這項技術可以幫助客戶最大限度地利用電子郵件作為數字營銷渠道,這是他們每天都在使用的一種方式,但在曆史上並沒有產生太多的營銷效果。我也非常高興我們的首席執行官和首席財務官加入了我們的管理團隊,並渴望看到我們能走多遠。”黑珍珠的新任首席執行官普雷斯利擁有強大的領導背景,過去14年他在微軟擔任過各種高級領導職位。她最近的職位是負責微軟全球分銷合作夥伴網絡的戰略和銷售。 Frank, the company’s new CRO, is known for co-founding KnowledgeNet, which was acquired by Thomson Reuters, as well as co-founding two other venture funded tech companies in the valley, The 41st Parameter (acquired by Experian) and StormWind Studios. The Black Pearl Mail executive team also currently includes Black Pearl founder Nick Lissette, now in his new role as Director & CTO, and Tim Crown as Chairman of the Board. “Our founder, Nick Lissette set an aspirational vision when he created Black Pearl Mail, and now we’re perfectly positioned to realize that vision,” says Cherryl Pressley, CEO of Black Pearl Mail. “The move of our headquarters to Scottsdale has opened up numerous possibilities for the company and allowed us to work with wonderful partners such as AZ Crown. While my role as CEO is new, I’ve served on the board of Black Pearl Mail for the past 18 months and I’ve been extremely impressed with the product and company potential. We now have the key players in place and I'm confident great things are to come.” To learn more or request a demo, please visit https://www.blackpearlmail.com/signup-request/ . About Black Pearl Founded in 2014, Black Pearl Mail is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) product that helps companies increase their brand and grow revenues. Black Pearl has been engineered to integrate with Microsoft's O365 as well as G-Suite and on-premise email systems. It is a true force-multiplier for traditional works on any email system and integrates with marketing & sales integration tools like Marketo and Salesforce.com. By providing companies with powerful email signatures, simplified email signature management and the ability to use every day email as a digital marketing channel, Black Pearl Mail is amplifying what companies can do with email, one of their most-used, and least-utilized tools. The company is now headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, also has a growing R&D hub in Wellington, New Zealand. To learn more, please visit www.blackpearlmail.com . View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190410005624/en/ © Business Wire 2019

AZ Crown投資常見問題

  • 阿斯利康皇冠投資公司總部在哪裏?

    AZ Crown Investments總部位於坦佩市1305 W Auto Dr.。

  • AZ Crown Investments的最新一輪融資是什麼?

    AZ Crown Investments的最新一輪融資是並購。

  • 誰是AZ Crown Investments的投資者?

    AZ Crown Investments的投資者包括Coplex。


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