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01/19/2023 | 08:41am EST信息:離職董事和官員文彙林先生,董事的董事會(“董事會”)的幸福發展集團有限公司(“公司”),通知他辭職的公司董事因個人原因,於2023年1月16日。林先生的辭職從董事會沒有任何分歧的結果與公司有關的任何事項操作,公司的政策,或實踐。Jiong扁先生的首席財務官(CFO)公司首席財務官因個人原因遞交了辭呈,2023年1月16日生效。邊先生的辭職沒有任何分歧的結果與公司有關的任何事項操作,公司的政策,或實踐。任命董事和官員有效的1月16日,2023年,公司的董事會任命蘇菲你們陶女士為董事會董事和公司的首席財務官來填補這一空缺導致林先生和扁先生的辭職。索菲婭女士的傳記信息你們道如下規定。索菲婭女士你們道,44歲,一直是一個活躍的投資者和顧問在私人股本和公共股票市場自2007年以來在中國和美國。在她的投資生涯中,她做了私人股本投資的公司包括SpaceX, Evernote, 360 DigiTech, Inc .(納斯達克:QFIN),一個在中國領先的fintech平台,明星厘米控股(香港交易所:6698),是中國最大的生產商不用劇本的內容,Linmon媒體(香港交易所:09857),中國主要專注於影視製作工作室和三角帽技術,領先中國人工智能公司專注於自然語言處理後來在2020年被騰訊收購。你們從2021年1月至2022年12月,蘇菲道的總裁兼首席執行官SPK收購公司(納斯達克:SPK),一個特殊目的收購公司。從2016年到2021年,陶女士Hanfor資本管理合夥人,中國的私人股本公司,專注於投資TMT和消費行業。 She was a co-founder and partner at Ray Shi Capital Group from 2010 to 2015, a US registered investment adviser focusing on equity investments in Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong and the U.S. Ms. Tao was the senior investment manager for Greater China at Vision Capital Advisors in New York City from 2007 to 2010. At Vision, Ms. Tao helped launch and co-managed the Vision Opportunity China Fund, focusing on sourcing, structuring and investing in small- and medium-sized enterprises in China through reverse mergers, private placements and private equity. Previously, Ms. Tao worked at Banc of America Securities LLC in New York City in its equity capital markets group between 2005 and 2007, where she originated and executed convertible bond and other equity-linked issuances. She also worked at NERA Economic Consulting in its Chicago and New York City offices between 2003 and 2005 where she helped provide economics and econometrics analysis and recommendations to multi-national corporations involved in antitrust and securities litigations. Before that, Ms. Tao worked as a policy consultant at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris from 2001 to 2002, where she helped advise countries on their economic and regulatory reform policies. Ms. Tao graduated from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University in 2003 with a Master of Public Affairs degree concentrating in economics and advanced quantitative analysis. She also graduated from the University of International Business & Economics in Beijing with a Bachelor of Laws degree in 2000. Ms. Tao does not have a family relationship with any director or executive officer of the Company and has not been involved in any transaction with the Company during the past two years that would require disclosure under Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K. Ms. Tao also entered into a director offer letter (the "Offer Letter") and an employment agreement (the "Employment Agreement") with the Company which establishes other terms and conditions governing her service to the Company. Ms. Tao will receive US$0 as her services as a director and will receive an annual base salary of $150,000 as the CFO of the Company. The Offer Letter is qualified in its entirety by reference to the complete text of the Offer Letter, which is filed hereto as Exhibit 10.1. The Employment Agreement is qualified in its entirety by reference to the complete text of the Employment Agreement, which is filed hereto as Exhibit 10.2. Exhibit No.
美銀證券有41 團隊成員,包括現任總統,布賴恩•莫伊尼漢。
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