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十個新公司進入世界先導研究所的企業實驗室項目3月1日,2023年世界先導研究所(BII),一個國際非盈利性基金會孵化加速世界一流的生命科學研究,今天宣布,10個新公司進入其風險實驗室加速項目早期初創公司。隊列與BII戰略的重點發展突破性的科學計劃造福人類和地球生物的健康。12個月風險實驗室項目旨在支持初創企業與業務加速,科學,和團隊開發和提供了一個可轉換貸款500000歐元(約4米DKK) +進入實驗室和辦公室在哥本哈根BII。成為企業實驗室項目的一部分,早期初創公司也獲得獨家機會申請1.4歐元在後續資金通過BII風險房子的計劃。鮑比索尼,世界先導研究所的首席商務官說:“我們很高興地歡迎這個新一代的早期公司bioindustrials,療法,婦女的健康,和健康科技產業創業實驗室項目。BII的使命是創造產品的人民和社會的福利。我們相信BII創新科學的支持在這個合資企業實驗室群將兌現這些承諾。“每個啟動將支持進行必要的步驟達到最初的概念,讓一個商業計劃,並建立一個團隊。專門的科學顧問,領導力教練,BII業務發展專家將指導新企業在發展中詳細的裏程碑計劃。他們將協助克服挑戰的業務增長,允許他們進步迅速向市場。 The new companies BII has accepted into the Venture Lab acceleration program are: Agoprene develops furniture foam from biomass to help the furniture industry reduce the need for petrochemicals AIDA Oncology selects the best cancer drug for each patient, using the RNA expression pattern of their tumor and machine learning Alba Health is on a mission to reduce chronic disease risks from childhood, leveraging data science and the latest microbiome science. Droplet IV automatically flushes every IV set at the precise time of medicine termination, ensuring patients’ optimal treatment quality. FÆRM provides an enzymatic solution for plant-based cheese, translating dairy practices to legumes in cooperation with dairy plants. METSYSTEM has developed a unique technology to predict cancer metastasis and determine the optimal chemotherapy to treat it preventively. Norfalk rethinks soap, cosmetics, and detergents by producing sustainable active and stabilizing ingredients called surfactants. Dawn Bio is developing a drug discovery platform based on human embryo models for drug development for women’s reproductive health. Fuse Vectors is disrupting manufacturing to enable universal access to gene therapy. Amplify Therapeutics develops transformative, disease-modifying therapies for Gaucher disease and genetic subgroups of Parkinson’s disease. Since its inception in 2018, BII has supported 80 start-ups and projects with EUR 65 million alongside the venture capital, industry, and business expertise it provides to help them accelerate to the next level. BII’s start-ups have raised over EUR 333 million in external funding from local and international investors. Recent company successes include Adcendo , Stipe Therapeutics , Twelve Bio , Octarine Bio , and Cirqle Biomedical .
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新的嗎? |
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來源 |
3/9/2023 |
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Metsystem |
0.53美元 |
是的 |
1 |
3/2/2023 |
兌換的注意 |
Agoprene |
0.54美元 |
是的 |
1 |
3/2/2023 |
兌換的注意 |
Aida腫瘤學 |
0.54美元 |
是的 |
1 |
12/21/2022 |
種子VC -二世 |
10/4/2022 |
種子風投 |
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業務合作夥伴 |
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新聞片段 |
來源 |
4/18/2023 |
合作夥伴 |
瑞士 |
瑞士SAINT-PREX——顯示出製藥和世界先導研究所基金會宣布一項新的戰略合作,加快創新婦女的健康。 |
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1/31/2023 |
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11/27/2020 |
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11/24/2020 |
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10/29/2020 |
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日期 |
4/18/2023 |
1/31/2023 |
11/27/2020 |
11/24/2020 |
10/29/2020 |
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合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
瑞士 |
新聞片段 |
瑞士SAINT-PREX——顯示出製藥和世界先導研究所基金會宣布一項新的戰略合作,加快創新婦女的健康。 |
來源 |
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