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188bet游戏CB見解情報分析家提到Bluestein合資企業1 188bet游戏CB見解研究短暫,最近在2021年11月10日,。
隨著供應鏈壓力加大,這些60 +貨運物流科技公司正在重塑最新的Bluestein合資企業新聞
BiomeSense關閉超額認購300萬美元資金BiomeSense,生物科技公司解鎖絕大好處微生物通過小說“智能浴室”硬件技術和先進的生物信息學,宣布關閉其超額認購300萬美元的資金。由Bluestein企業融資包括新的投資者收獲嶺資本以及現有投資者的參與SOSV Seerave基金會,強調他們繼續對BiomeSense任務的信心。這種新的融資將支持BiomeSense商業發射,年內預期。BiomeSense正在開發第一個專門的工具來幫助完全解鎖微生物精密醫學。盡管微生物重要利益的潛在改善人類健康,其複雜性,加上缺乏有效的測量工具讓人難以理解,使微生物的科學和商業承諾untapped-until現在。抓住這個機會,BiomeSense革命性的“智能浴室”技術,GutLab,和生物信息學平台,MetaBiome,使生成和分析大規模時序微生物數據集不僅可能,但成本效益。公司與主要科學家部署平台的一係列臨床研究創建行業首個策劃時間序列微生物數據庫。這一前所未有的資源將微生物精密醫學新標準,從基礎研究到商業產品的開發。“多研究表明微生物是整體健康和健康門戶,包括預測一個人的能力應對特定的醫學和幫助病人更好地管理條件如糖尿病或腹腔疾病,”凱文說Honaker, BiomeSense聯合創始人兼首席執行官。“雖然我們知道這些可能性存在,數據的障礙阻止了行業充分利用微生物的潛力。 Now, thanks to our funders’ confidence, we can launch our technology and access the microbiome’s full precision medicine promise.” BiomeSense’s breakthrough technology will allow continuous microbiome tracking—even in the comfort of someone’s home—enabling unprecedented insight into day-to-day fluctuations. “This comprehensive data is not possible with solutions currently on the market. BiomeSense’s innovative tools are creating a future where microbiome tracking becomes an integral part of patients’ daily routines, vastly improving individual health insights and outcomes,” Honaker added. “As an early investor in BiomeSense, we have always believed deeply in the company’s vision to unlock personalized nutrition via the gut microbiome,” said Andrew Bluestein, Managing Partner at Bluestein Ventures and BiomeSense board director. “The company has made immense progress since our initial investment, and we are proud to support BiomeSense as it enters this critical commercialization phase. There is a significant measurement gap in the industry and the expected benefits from BiomeSense’s technology are enormous.” The company will leverage this funding to launch its “smart bathroom” technology, GutLab, and further expand its bioinformatics platform, including a novel solution for simple integration of disparate datasets. This first for the microbiome industry will power a significant increase in the size and statistical power of analyses performed on the platform. Supporting development of BiomeSense’s technology is Jack Gilbert, renowned microbiome research expert and BiomeSense Co-Founder. About BiomeSense BiomeSense is creating the first integrated precision measurement and analytics platform to transform how the human microbiome is explored, understood, and utilized to improve health. The comprehensive platform combines a novel “smart bathroom” technology (GutLab) with a cloud-based bioinformatics platform (MetaBiome). The resulting data and analytics will bring precision medicine to the microbiome, with significant potential to improve human health globally through drug development, disease identification and tracking, and consumer products. Sign Up to Free Newsletter The Microbiome Drug Database
Bluestein冒險了24投資。他們最新的投資BiomeSense作為他們的一部分種子VC - 4在2023年5月5日。
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5/18/2023 |
種子VC - 4 |
BiomeSense |
3美元 |
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1/26/2023 |
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人的科學 |
5.3美元 |
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9/9/2022 |
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2.1美元 |
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4/26/2022 |
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11/15/2021 |
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11/15/2021 |
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BiomeSense |
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3美元 |
5.3美元 |
2.1美元 |
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