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韓國時報發布:2023-06-14 16:15更新:2023-06-14 16:19金融服務委員會(FSC)副主席金正日這麼年輕說在一個會議在首爾市中心,周三,在促進國內信貸金融公司進入全球市場。禮貌的FSC李Yeon-woo東南亞是一個利潤豐厚的市場對韓國金融公司一段時間了。不過,這個市場趨於飽和,官員表明,中亞可能成為下一個機會。韓國金融服務委員會(FSC)召開了一次會議,周三,討論支持計劃,促進國內信貸金融公司進入全球市場。信貸金融公司包括信用卡公司、租賃和分期融資公司和風險投資公司。“數字化不僅使數字支付金融基礎設施不足的國家,也拓寬了融資選擇的範圍,“FSC副主席Kim說這麼年輕在首爾會議期間由這些公司金融專家和官員參加。“上個月,在我訪問吉爾吉斯斯坦,我見證了我們的信貸金融公司全球化的潛力(在本部門)”。In May, Kim visited two Central Asian countries ― Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan ― and participated in several events. These included a launching ceremony for BNK Finance in Kyrgyzstan and a business agreement concerning the establishment of electronic payment infrastructure between Korea and the Central Asian country. "Drawing on their extensive experience, I anticipate that Korean credit finance companies can contribute significantly to the provision of transaction systems and financing in the emerging markets of newly developing nations," Kim said. BNK Capital, the first Korean financial firm to enter the Kyrgyzstan market, emphasized the possibilities in the Central Asian market during the meeting. It is currently operating two subsidiaries in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. "The region is not only expanding its role as a strategic nexus between Asia and Europe, but also emerging as an alternative energy operator to the Middle East. It is also making efforts to open its market internationally and to innovate (its current system)," said Park Byoung-soo, an executive director of the BNK Capital. "Additionally, the region also has more than 300,000 ethnic Koreans and holds a favorable stance toward Korea." The ethnic Korean population of the area is descended from ethnic Koreans who had been forcefully resettled from the Russian Far East during the Japanese colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula. Park commented that BNK Capital has recently expanded its focus into Central Asia amid intensifying competition in Southeast Asia's financial market. Oh Sung-heon, a managing partner at OhKim's Law, echoed this sentiment. "ASEAN market has long been considered a land of opportunity due to its high usage of the payment market and income expansion. However, it might be time to consider diversifying the focus of overseas expansion beyond just the ASEAN market." As of 2022, 25 Korean credit financing companies are operating in 19 countries. Out of their 61 branches, 36 are situated in Southeast Asia, and 10 are located in Northeast Asia.
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