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TheMathCompany、全球數據分析和數據工程公司和別的公司合作,提高他們的分析功能,今天宣布,它已獲得5000萬美元的投資。一輪融資資本是由布萊頓公園,一個投資公司,專門從事與成長期的合作軟件,醫療和tech-enabled服務業務。現有的投資者,Arihant Patni,也參與了這輪。少數投資將加速TheMathCompany美國和歐盟市場的擴張,以及增強其下一代,專有平台,Co.dx,使企業通過價值分析的速度和規模。由行業領導者,Banerjee Sayandeb Aditya Kumbakonam,和阿克裏希納,TheMathCompany高增長公司雇傭了近1000年的數據科學家,工程師,數據和領域專家。公司代表與財富500強客戶和合作夥伴在中央人民政府、零售、醫藥、汽車、技術,和製造業在美國、英國和歐盟。使客戶提供多樣化的功能由Co.dx,組織跨業務功能實現數據科學與工程計劃,包括市場營銷、供應鏈、研發、和融資。TheMathCompany的混合模型結合Co.dx交付定製的綜合谘詢的方法,先進的分析和AI-driven資產,幫助客戶實現成功和戰略業務決策。“我們很高興宣布布萊頓公園資本的投資,“Sayandeb Banerjee說TheMathCompany的首席執行官。“深公司的技術部門的專業知識和良好記錄擴展全球企業將有助於我們的成長。” “We look forward to partnering with TheMathCompany’s founders and the entire team to support their continued growth,” said Mark F. Dzialga, Managing Partner of Brighton Park Capital. “TheMathCompany is positioned for continued success as it strengthens its brand recognition and expands in the US and EU markets, supporting customers on their missions to capture value through data analytics.” “TheMathCompany is poised to become one of the largest data and analytics consultancies in the world, supported by a world-class team of data engineers and scientists, and complemented by the power of the Co.dx platform to deliver more value, faster, for customers. I couldn’t be more excited to partner with Sayandeb, Aditya, and Anuj on the significant opportunities ahead,” said Jeff Machlin, Partner of Brighton Park. As part of the transaction, Jeff Machlin will join the Board of Directors. “While most players in the industry have taken decades to grow to our size, we have built this strong foundation within five years. Brighton Park Capital’s partnership will further accelerate our plans to become the world’s leading global analytics consultancy,” said Aditya Kumbakonam, Chief Customer & Growth Officer at TheMathCompany. “As we grow and evolve, this investment will help us continue to bring elevated service and outstanding quality to our customers.” Anuj Krishna, Chief Product Officer at TheMathCompany, said, “With Brighton Park Capital as investors, we are excited to continue creating better opportunities for our people to grow their careers, while expanding the business globally. TheMathCompany will continue to invest heavily in Co.dx – a significant and meaningful differentiator in our journey to help enterprises scale and solve problems faster.” TheMathCompany employs leading data scientists and engineers globally while also recruiting emerging talent from top-tier universities. New hires participate in a comprehensive onboarding and training program with the company’s in-house growth accelerator, Co.ach. The program is designed to help employees upskill across analytics disciplines and adapt to the industry’s ever-changing dynamics. In addition to fostering continued career development, the firm incentivizes employees with a stock ownership program, enabling them to participate in TheMathCompany’s continued growth and future success. Avendus Capital served as financial advisor and Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Company served as legal counsel to TheMathCompany. Bharucha & Partners and Paul Weiss served as legal counsel to Brighton Park Capital. Share this article:
布萊頓公園資本有4 基金,包括布萊頓公園投資基金。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
11/10/2022 |
布萊頓公園投資基金 |
1800美元 |
2 |
10/9/2020 |
布萊頓公園投資基金 |
10/9/2020 |
布萊頓公園資本基金我 |
BPC AppViewX控股 |
截止日期 |
11/10/2022 |
10/9/2020 |
10/9/2020 |
基金 |
布萊頓公園投資基金 |
布萊頓公園投資基金 |
布萊頓公園資本基金我 |
BPC AppViewX控股 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
1800美元 |
來源 |
2 |
服務提供者 |
相關的輪 |
提供者類型 |
服務類型 |
私人股本 |
法律顧問 |
總法律顧問 |
服務提供者 |
相關的輪 |
私人股本 |
提供者類型 |
法律顧問 |
服務類型 |
總法律顧問 |
布萊頓公園資本有2 團隊成員,包括當前的創始人,管理合夥人,馬克·Dzialga。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
馬克·f·Dzialga |
的創始人,管理合夥人 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
馬克·f·Dzialga |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
的創始人,管理合夥人 |
狀態 |
當前的 |