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愛達荷州的博伊西,2023年8月1日——TruckLabs,領先的清潔技術公司集中在運輸可持續發展,已經宣布的終結係列B輪融資,由藍熊資本、風險資本公司重點投資於高增長科技公司在能源、基礎設施和環境產業。校準的一輪融資還包括投資企業。“我們很高興能在交通行業的前沿發展可持續的解決方案,”丹尼爾說洞穴,TruckLabs的首席執行官。“我們致力於減少排放不僅對今天的8類柴油艦隊也隨著行業轉換到電動汽車和替代燃料。“2014年斯坦福大學的成立,TruckLabs創建智能解決方案,使碳減排和提高業務運營效率產生積極的影響。旗艦技術,TruckWings™,拖拉機懸掛,智能氣動裝置,自動關閉之間的差距出租車和拖車,以減少阻力,提高穩定性,提高燃油效率。TruckLabs已超過600000000長途運輸的英裏,經曆了顯著的收入增長在過去幾年。TruckWings,其創新技術幫助客戶實現燃料節省3 - 6%,節省了超過8500萬磅的二氧化碳排放,相當於減少8307汽油客車道路。“我們很自豪與TruckLabs合作任務開卡車行業的可持續性,”Mark Pusak說avon Transervice。“作為我們的客戶”承諾減少能源使用和擴大可再生能源計劃,我們認識到創新的解決方案的重要性在減少我們的碳足跡TruckWings艦隊。” TruckLabs' success in its Series B funding round reflects a growing interest in sustainable technologies, particularly in the transportation sector. The funding will enable TruckLabs to develop its products further, accelerate growth, and continue the company's mission to drive operational efficiencies while reducing carbon emissions in the trucking industry. “TruckLabs has built out half a dozen patents, challenging IoT integrations, data-driven software automations, and an intimate understanding of the trucking industry's operational needs -- all combined into a surprisingly intuitive solution,” said Ernst Sack, Partner at Blue Bear Capital. “ The company's technology is easy to deploy and seamless to operate, while generating millions of dollars of fuel cost savings and environmental footprint reductions for some of the country's largest and most demanding fleet operators.” For more information on TruckLabs, please visit their website at https://www.trucklabs.com. About TruckLabs Established in 2014, TruckLabs is a trucking technology company that creates intelligent solutions that make a positive impact on carbon reduction and drive operational efficiencies. Its flagship technology, TruckWings™, is a tractor-mounted, smart aerodynamic device that automatically closes the gap between cab and trailer to reduce drag, improve stability, and increase fuel efficiency. Founded out of Stanford University, TruckLabs has won awards in several Department of Energy (DOE) competitions including the National CleanTech Award and CalTech’s FLoW competition. For more information, visit: https://www.trucklabs.com. About Blue Bear Capital Blue Bear is a venture capital and growth equity firm driving digital technologies into multibillion-dollar verticals across energy, infrastructure, and climate industries. The team, made up of experienced professionals from top energy private equity firms and technology startups, is dedicated to accelerating innovation in the energy transition. Blue Bear's portfolio covers operational AI, IoT, and cybersecurity technologies, all deployed with enterprise customers to improve operations, safety, economics, and environmental efficiency across the world's most critical industries. For additional information, visit http://www.bluebearcap.com.
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
8/1/2023 |
B係列 |
TruckLabs |
沒有 |
1 |
5/11/2023 |
B - II係列 |
Farmwise |
6.37美元 |
沒有 |
1 |
4/26/2023 |
種子風投 |
aiXplain |
8美元 |
是的 |
4 |
11/16/2022 |
B係列 |
9/12/2022 |
一個係列 |
校準項目有2 基金,包括校準項目二世。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
12/21/2021 |
校準項目二世 |
97美元 |
2 |
12/11/2018 |
校準項目 |
截止日期 |
12/21/2021 |
12/11/2018 |
基金 |
校準項目二世 |
校準項目 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
97美元 |
來源 |
2 |