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分享這篇文章提供的新聞分享這篇文章多倫多6月15日2023 /時間/ - Caseware國際,一個全球領先的雲計算審計、財務報告和數據分析解決方案,今天宣布了一項與職業高爾夫球手安德魯·普特南和亞當Schenk讚助。普特南和Schenk代表了強場的人才在美巡賽,簡曆與令人印象深刻的比賽。普特南得到了第一的美國職業高爾夫巡回賽的贏得冠軍在2018年梭魚和自取得了18個職業聯賽前。他目前排名第36聯邦快遞杯排名。亞當Schenk (CNW集團/ Caseware International Inc .)”這種夥伴關係意味著共同致力於卓越、創新、共享對這項運動的熱情,“說PGA高爾夫巡回賽,安德魯·普特南。“這是我自豪的原因與Caseware合作作為大使”。Since joining the TOUR in 2018, Schenk has quickly established himself with 11 Top-10 finishes, including two runner-up finishes in the 2023 season. He has qualified for the FedExCup Playoffs in four consecutive seasons and is currently ranked 26th on the FedEx Cup Standings. "Caseware helps clients around the world work better, faster and smarter to stay one step ahead of the competition and that is a mentality that I can relate to," says PGA TOUR golfer, Adam Schenk. "I am grateful for their support and I look forward to working together." As Putnam and Schenk compete in various tournaments and championships, Caseware's logo will prominently appear on the chest of their apparel and other branding materials, providing substantial exposure to a global audience. "This partnership marks an exciting milestone for Caseware to continue to extend its new brand on a larger grandstand and we couldn't be more excited to support two of the most talented and promising professional golfers in the industry," said David Osborne, Chief Executive Officer, Caseware. "Like the audit industry, golf is a game centered around trust and honesty. It's a sport that embodies discipline, precision and determination, all values that resonate deeply with Caseware. Aligning with top-tier athletes like Andrew Putnam and Adam Schenk demonstrates our commitment to excellence in business, sportsmanship, and athletic achievement." About Caseware International Caseware is the leading global provider of desktop and cloud-enabled solutions for audit, assurance, financial reporting and data analytics for accounting firms, corporations, and government regulators. Caseware's innovative tools and platforms help more than half a million customers in 130 countries work smarter, dig deeper and see further as they transform insights into impact. For more information, visit www.caseware.com . SOURCE Caseware International Inc.
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業務合作夥伴 |
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2/8/2022 |
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多倫多——2月8日,2022年。CaseWare宣布與Alliott全球合作聯盟。 CaseWare國際公司很高興同意全球首選供應商的夥伴關係Alliott全球聯盟協助其會計成員公司和他們的數字轉換和審計和會計軟件的優化利用。 |
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11/17/2020 |
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9/29/2020 |
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7/8/2020 |
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6/2/2020 |
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2/8/2022 |
11/17/2020 |
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合作夥伴 |
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業務合作夥伴 |
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聯合王國 |
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多倫多——2月8日,2022年。CaseWare宣布與Alliott全球合作聯盟。 CaseWare國際公司很高興同意全球首選供應商的夥伴關係Alliott全球聯盟協助其會計成員公司和他們的數字轉換和審計和會計軟件的優化利用。 |
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Avalara (NYSE: AVLR)幫助各種規模的企業實現符合稅收事務,包括銷售和使用,增值稅,消費稅,通訊和其他稅類型。公司提供自動化的、基於雲的解決方案設計為快速,準確,易於使用。Avalara平台幫助客戶管理複雜和繁重的稅收遵從義務由國家、地方、和其他稅收當局在世界各地。Avalara為會計提供了超過550個預構建連接器,ERP,電子商務,和其他業務應用程序,使稅收和遵從性解決方案的集成方便顧客。每年,公司流程數十億間接稅收事務為客戶和用戶,文件超過一百萬納稅申報表,並管理數以百萬計的免稅證明和其他合規文件。Avalara成立於2004年,總部設在西雅圖,華盛頓。