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TreeRing保護支持天使資助者和其他9月26日,2012年由安吉拉·索爾TreeRing,社會年鑒公司關閉了一個360萬美元的投資由天使資助者邁克麥丘Flipboard (CEO),第二大街和杉木林積肥場投資合作夥伴。幾個天使投資人也參加了包括Expedia和Zillow創始人,豐富的巴頓。新聞稿TreeRing,世界上第一個社會年鑒公司今天宣布,它已經關閉了一個360萬美元的投資由他們的天使基金投資人邁克麥丘Flipboard (CEO),第二大街和杉木林積肥場投資合作夥伴。此外,幾個天使投資人參與,尤其是Expedia和Zillow創始人,豐富的巴頓。作為另一個學年開始和學生著手創建另一個一年的記憶,有一件事是明確的:傳統年鑒是過去的事了。自2010年推出以來,學校已經改變了他們捕捉記憶。TreeRing的新模型允許年鑒建成通過他們的在線社交網絡和在線打印個性化頁麵為每個學生的需求。公司現在有超過1200所學校在49個州和加拿大。此外,TreeRing打印超過125000年鑒,用戶分享超過3.3的照片。這個資金,TreeRing將繼續擴大其全國的營銷團隊和生長。 TreeRing has recently expanded its platform to allow students, parents, and teachers to not only share photos and page content with each other, but students can also sign one another’s yearbooks, share memories, and send each other graphic based messages, which TreeRing has dubbed “book bling.” “TreeRing has ingeniously combined the new capabilities of print, social, and design technologies. Not only does this change the American yearbook forever, but this will change how students capture their memories and remember their youth in years to come,” said Mike McCue, CEO of Flipboard. “We’ve brought the $5 billion custom memory book industry to the $2 billion yearbook industry and glued them together with the power of online social networks. Most importantly we are allowing kids to capture and share their memories in a much more meaningful way and saving schools money while doing it,” according to TreeRing CEO and Co-Founder Aaron Greco. TreeRing also has overturned the traditional pricing model of the yearbook industry, which usually charges schools advance deposits, makes them guarantee a certain number of sales, and puts schools in the business of collecting payment from families. TreeRing offers its tool at zero cost to schools, and families purchase books directly online, taking schools out of the middleman role and ensuring that no one has to juggle excess yearbook inventory at the end of the school year. That saves schools time, space, as well as paper waste. Through a partnership with the nonprofit organization, Trees for the Future, TreeRing also plants a tree for each yearbook that is purchased. And schools have the option of tacking a fundraiser premium onto their yearbook price, allowing them to raise a couple of dollars per book purchased without any additional work, serving as an easy and effective fundraising tool at a time when schools are increasingly crunched for funding. This past year alone TreeRing schools raised over $130K. Additional information about TreeRing is available at http://www.treering.com About TreeRing: TreeRing, the world’s first social yearbook company, creates yearbooks for the Internet generation. The Silicon Valley, CA-based company combines the efficiency of just-in-time digital printing and the collaborative power of online social networks to create personalized printed yearbooks that commemorate each child’s unique school experience. The process reduces the yearbook creation and financial burden for schools and invests in our planet’s future by planting a tree for every yearbook printed. For more information, visit http://www.treering.com. © 2015 Buyouts Insider / Argosy Group LLC
杉木林積肥場的投資35歲的投資。他們最新的投資MobiTV作為他們的一部分F - II係列在2019年7月7日。
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
7/24/2019 |
F - II係列 |
MobiTV |
64.83美元 |
沒有 |
1 |
6/24/2019 |
F係列 |
MobiTV |
50美元 |
是的 |
6 |
1/3/2014 |
Unattributed VC -六世 |
良好的技術 |
4.27美元 |
沒有 |
1 |
4/29/2013 |
增長股票——三世 |
11/6/2012 |
增長股票——二世 |
日期 |
7/24/2019 |
6/24/2019 |
1/3/2014 |
4/29/2013 |
11/6/2012 |
輪 |
F - II係列 |
F係列 |
Unattributed VC -六世 |
增長股票——三世 |
增長股票——二世 |
公司 |
MobiTV |
MobiTV |
良好的技術 |
量 |
64.83美元 |
50美元 |
4.27美元 |
新的嗎? |
沒有 |
是的 |
沒有 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
1 |
6 |
1 |
杉木林積肥場投資有13投資組合出口。他們最新的投資退出MobiTV 在2021年5月13日。
日期 |
退出 |
公司 |
收購者 |
來源 |
5/13/2021 |
資產出售 |
4 |
4/26/2018 |
首次公開募股 |
公共 |
4 |
9/4/2015 |
收購了 |
1 |
杉木林積肥場投資有3 團隊成員,包括,。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
蘇格蘭人賈維斯 |
創始人 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
蘇格蘭人賈維斯 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
創始人 |
狀態 |
當前的 |