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巴塞羅那的震動是著手製造氫能源便宜,更高效、更耐用。啟動就獲得了640萬美元的係列影響投資者Climentum Ship2B。球場內參觀19-slide修訂甲板用來籌集新的資金。一家創業公司希望使氫能源更便宜,更高效,耐用,剛獲得600萬歐元(約合640萬美元)的資金。震動,成立於2022年作為一個消磨加泰羅尼亞理工學院的化學研究,使電解槽電極和氫燃料電池。在電解過程中,電極導體攜帶電子的化學過程,電力是用來把水分解成氫和氧。可持續的氫將脫碳世界扮演著重要的角色。麥肯錫預測需求到2050年將達到6.6億噸,這將遏製全球溫室氣體排放量的20%。電極是氫的“心”,使組織者共同創始人兼首席執行官萊昂Rizzi告訴內幕,但他們是“真心不適合目的。”"There will be no hydrogen industry without electrodes," he said. "Imagine 40 years ago, we've invented the PC and everyone forgets about the microchip. Well, the electron is a microchip for electrolysis." Current processes of making electrodes are slow and energy intensive, which makes them expensive, Rizzi said. The startup hopes to bring down the cost of alkaline and AEM-activated electrodes, its current focus, while also increasing durability. In a normal scenario, a base material known as substrate – often nickel for alkaline electrolysis, Rizzi said – is coated several times to achieve a specific surface area and conductivity. Each coating requires up to 500 degrees heat and must be left to "bake" for up to 50 minutes, Rizzi said. Layers of coating can lead to cracking and flaking, which means electrodes can deactivate or become less efficient, and aren't as durable as they should be, Rizzi added. "It's like saying we're going to sell you a car that does 100 miles an hour this year at the next 60 the year after. Oh, in about four or five years, it's gonna break and you're gonna have to replace the whole motor." Jolt makes an alternative coating, which requires 80 degree-heat for up to 60 seconds and can be done in an oven or via an infrared lamp. The startup's coating fuses into the top layer of the substrate without damaging it, Rizzi said. "It becomes one with the substrate, so there's no cracking, there's nowhere for the solution to penetrate, which means no flaking, no degradation, no deactivation, nothing." Jolt continues to stress-test its electrodes, with one test running over 11 months, Rizzi said. The cash injection was led by European climate tech fund Climentum Capital and Spanish impact investor Ship2B Ventures. Axon Partners Group and two Catalan family offices joined alongside seed investor NET. It brings the company's total raised to 6.3 million euros. It will use the fresh funds to bolster headcount to 20 by the end of the year, with new hires in chemistry. With labs still based in the Catalan Institute of Chemical Research, Jolt will also build its first electrode production plant in Barcelona. Rizzi expects it to be operating and selling to customers by February 2024. Check out the 19-slide pitch deck below: Jolt
日期 |
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公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6/1/2023 |
一個係列 |
震動的解決方案 |
6.42美元 |
是的 |
軸突的合作夥伴組織,Climentum資本,Ship2B合資企業,和未披露的私人股本投資者 |
3 |
5/8/2023 |
種子風投 |
2/7/2023 |
種子VC - III |
1/23/2023 |
一個係列 |
1/23/2023 |
A - II係列 |
日期 |
6/1/2023 |
5/8/2023 |
2/7/2023 |
1/23/2023 |
1/23/2023 |
輪 |
一個係列 |
種子風投 |
種子VC - III |
一個係列 |
A - II係列 |
公司 |
震動的解決方案 |
量 |
6.42美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
軸突的合作夥伴組織,Climentum資本,Ship2B合資企業,和未披露的私人股本投資者 |
來源 |
3 |
Climentum資本有1 基金,包括我Climentum資本氣候科技基金。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
我Climentum資本氣候科技基金 |
2 |
截止日期 |
基金 |
我Climentum資本氣候科技基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
2 |