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研發突破microbiome-associated療法:技術帶來突破性的決議和上下文host-microbiome交互普林斯頓,新澤西州2023年6月22日——Kanvas生物科學,微生物組映射技術的領導者,今天宣布12美元項目前期一輪融資。投資將用於進一步推進公司的專有平台技術,承諾改變microbiome-associated疾病的藥物開發。圓是由DCVC參與獅子Capital LLC,庫克LLC常見分母,三重影響資本。作為投資的一部分,Jason龐丁DCVC合夥人將加入公司的董事會。微生物和宿主之間的相互作用對人類健康至關重要。當前黃金標準分析這些交互是提取樣本,混合,和序列的遺傳物質樣本。這種策略使廣泛的推斷樣品的成分,但更多的信息關於biospatial本地化和細胞功能喪失的過程。為了克服這一挑戰,Kanvas已經開發了一種革命性的技術平台,使高度空間分析微生物物種的多路複用。平台不僅決定了身份和這些微生物的功能,而且地圖對應的主機的本地響應——所有內執行一個單獨的、全麵的分析。Kanvas的專有技術,基於首先發表在《自然》雜誌的研究公司的創始人,研究人員可以配置文件微生物和宿主細胞和亞細胞決議提供關鍵的上下文和無與倫比的了解複雜的宿主交互。這個平台可以應用於小說,發現和發展的生活biotherapeutic產品,抵抗微生物的鑒別診斷,利用微生物來改善治療反應。 "Our technology takes the gastrointestinal tract and the microbiome from black box to transparent and measurable terrain," says Kanvas Biosciences co-founder and CEO Matthew Cheng, MD. "We are thrilled to drive forward the development of life-saving treatments for some of the world's most common conditions." While the microbiome has long been associated with inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer, emerging data indicate its intimate connection to a range of conditions beyond the gastrointestinal tract, including cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, and response to cancer immunotherapy treatments. The raised capital will be used towards expanding Kanvas' proprietary single-cell spatial transcriptomics platform and launching biological and R&D discovery platforms. To this end, Kanvas has already established partnerships with leading biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. "This breakthrough technology empowers researchers to explore microbial communities in unprecedented ways, with profound implications for the health and biomedical industries. It fundamentally transforms our understanding of the human microbiome, allowing us to consider it as a distinct and druggable organ, opening uncharted territories in medicine," said Jason Pontin of DCVC. About Kanvas Biosciences Kanvas Biosciences is building the world's first microbiome drug screening and drug discovery platform to accelerate live biotherapeutic product (LBP) development. Leveraging its unparalleled ability to spatially map the microbiome and profile host-gene expression at single-cell resolution, the company is constructing the most comprehensive and robust microbiome data resource for future drug development. Kanvas Biosciences' technology was initially developed at Cornell University and exclusively licensed. The company's notable investors include DCVC, Lions Capital LLC, Cooke LLC, Uncommon Denominator, and Triple Impact Capital. The company is headquartered in Monmouth Junction, NJ.