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新聞分享這篇文章提供的學生和官員成功完成培訓試點項目汙水處理大樹軸將印度的教育試點項目完成,這些學生將在廢水處理領域的顯著貢獻法裏達巴德,哈裏亞納邦,印度,4月11日2023 / EINPresswire.com——Palwal法裏達巴德- 4月11日大樹軸將印度、可持續汙水解決方案的領先供應商,和先生Vishwakarma技能大學(SVSU)州政府在哈裏亞納邦,印度,2016年成立促進技能教育和創業精神。大學提供了各種不同的技能領域的本科和研究生項目,專注於特定行業的培訓和研究已經成功地完成了一項為期六天的試點項目的重要性分散式汙水處理廠和適當的操作。項目參加了12名學生和3名官員和旨在教育和培訓個人從事廢水處理在更多控製和高效的工作環境。與Swachh Bharat使命和Amrut使命,促進汙水處理廠的安裝(stp)水處理、試點項目旨在解決市場差距對stp的功能。官員缺乏適當的培訓和教育,這往往導致失敗的stp。大樹軸印度旨在填補這一缺口將通過提供指導和支持,從而導致更多的可持續的和有效的廢水處理的解決方案。大樹軸印度也承諾將對stp的安裝在每一個即將到來的位置,以確保水是適合消費。通過提供教育和培訓對個人參與汙水處理、大樹軸將旨在改善汙水處理設施在哈裏亞納邦的質量。”成功地駕駛一個程序,教育學生在汙水處理、SVSU取得的主要成就創造就業和知識創造。這反映了我們致力於培訓和授權的下一代環境專業人士,他將配備必要的知識和技能來解決現實世界的挑戰。他進一步補充說“我們的努力促成一個更可持續的未來的發展,技術熟練的專業人士可以創造積極的改變的好處。” - Mr. Raj Nehru, Vice-chancellors, SVSU. "Mr. Kamal Tiwari, CEO, Daiki Axis India expressed his excitement about the successful completion of the pilot program with SVSU stating “The program aimed to provide sustainable wastewater solutions and enhance the efficiency of STPs across the country. By training individuals engaged in wastewater treatment, the program has created opportunities for new businesses and jobs, specifically for the youth. This clean and green initiative has the potential to generate employment for thousands of young people, while also benefiting the economy and contributing to a water-positive India.” He further added “Additionally, the skilled workforce created through this program could potentially find millions of employment opportunities for our youth. This program is expected to have a positive impact on the quality of wastewater treatment facilities not only in Haryana but also across the nation." Daiki Axis, as an organization, recognizes the importance of addressing the environmental challenges faced by the world today. To this end, the company has taken a strategic decision to align its operations with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Daiki Axis is committed to playing its part in achieving these goals, particularly with regards to sustainable and responsible wastewater solutions. The organization recognizes that effective wastewater management is essential to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Daiki Axis is continuously working towards developing innovative and eco-friendly solutions that can reduce the environmental impact of wastewater treatment. The company's aim is to create solutions that are not only effective in treating wastewater but also economically feasible and socially responsible. Through its commitment to SDGs, Daiki Axis hopes to make a significant contribution to the global effort towards building a more sustainable future for all. Mohammad Umar Siddiqui
大樹軸將使得2投資。他們最新的投資WOTA作為他們的一部分B - III係列在2023年6月6日。
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6/19/2023 |
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大樹軸將,日本電通公司,日本開發銀行,特別的銀行,Hachijuni銀行,Hokuhoku金融集團,Iwagin Jigyo Souzou資本,Iyogin資本,日本綠色投資公司碳中立,Kitaoka集團,Kobashi控股,日本共立公司控股,Maezawa行業,METAWATER,三菱液體Kaisha,三菱UFJ信托和銀行,摩爾+,NCB風險資本,海洋租賃,量子,San-ai Obbli,Sekisui化學,ShinMaywa行業,SMBC日興證券,三井住友信托銀行,搖擺不定的,Takasago熱能工程,TOMONY控股,渡邊管,山梨縣Chugin管理谘詢,YCP控股,和Yusaku Maezawa |
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3/24/2023 |
B - II係列 |
日期 |
6/19/2023 |
3/24/2023 |
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大樹軸將,日本電通公司,日本開發銀行,特別的銀行,Hachijuni銀行,Hokuhoku金融集團,Iwagin Jigyo Souzou資本,Iyogin資本,日本綠色投資公司碳中立,Kitaoka集團,Kobashi控股,日本共立公司控股,Maezawa行業,METAWATER,三菱液體Kaisha,三菱UFJ信托和銀行,摩爾+,NCB風險資本,海洋租賃,量子,San-ai Obbli,Sekisui化學,ShinMaywa行業,SMBC日興證券,三井住友信托銀行,搖擺不定的,Takasago熱能工程,TOMONY控股,渡邊管,山梨縣Chugin管理谘詢,YCP控股,和Yusaku Maezawa |
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