銀行基礎年輕企業家,也被稱為夢想銀行,是一個非贏利組織,D.CAMP運營。D.CAMPserves as a space for entrepreneurs, featuring a co-working space, lounge, lecture rooms, event halls, and dedicated offices for promising startups. D.CAMP invests via direct financing, co-investment, growth ladder fund, and fund of funds. Programs include demo days, bootcamps, and accelerators.
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韓國公司出國應該關注日本:D。營CEO 2023.06.22 11:22:02 | 2023.06.22 11:24:01 Kim Young-duk接收機的首席執行官D。營(圖片由公園Hyung-ki)韓國公司正考慮海外市場應考慮日本朝夕相處,它帶來巨大的機會,Kim Young-duk表示,首席執行官D。營地,創業加速器由銀行資助的年輕企業家的基礎。“日本接近韓國地理上和心理上,”Kim說,在最近的一次采訪中,主管的報紙。“鑒於朝鮮被認為更有能力在創新方麵,公司將能夠獲得巨大的增長,如果他們進入這個市場。“D。營地是中國最大的創業支持機構19家金融機構成立於2012年。加速器提供間接投資約3500創業,包括獨角獸如Ddanggeun市場Inc .)和共和黨Inc .自從金正日萬歲了D。營地在2021年,他一直把關注韓國公司的全球化。“韓國公司的水平有了顯著的增長,我們相信他們有機會和海外球員競爭,”金說。“我特別關注日本。“首席執行官指出,日本經常被視為隻是一個年齡和低增長的國家許多人但金正日認為市場有很高的潛在的人口超過1.2億人的收入和一個相當高的水平。 “Japan is known for their systematic and manual-oriented approaches, and has a solid infrastructure expected from an advanced economy,” Kim said. “Although the country is often perceived as slow when it comes to embracing change, this can be an opportunity for Korean startups that excel in innovation.” Kim added that Japanese customers tend to have a relatively higher appreciation for paid services compared to those in Korea and China, and there is a culture of maintaining long-term relationships once established. D.Camp provides expert consulting services for startups seeking opportunities in Japan. Based on an agreement signed with the Japanese counterpart Finolab Inc., a fintech innovation center, D.Camp assists in the localization process of Korean startups in Japan. D.Camp also has its staff residing in Japan to strengthen its network there. All these measures are taken with an aim to build a platform that can help Korean startups adapt quickly to the unfamiliar market. Alongside its support for companies aiming to expand globally, D.Camp has also made direct investments in 22 startups by May, already surpassing its investments in 21 companies last year. It is noticeable considering the dampened investment sentiment in the venture industry since last year, driven by interest rate hikes, recession fears, and the prolonged Russia-Ukraine war According to data from Startup Alliance, investments in Korean startups totaled 3.78 trillion won ($2.9 billion) in the second half of last year, down by more than 40 percent. “We are aiming to increase the number of direct investments to 50 this year,” Kim said. “The amount of indirect investments exceeded 20 billion won last year, more than tripling from 2021,” he added. By Won Ho-sup and Chang Iou-chung [ⓒ Pulse by Maeil Business News Korea & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved] THURS
D.CAMP有made83年投資。他們最新的投資DeepLe人力資源作為他們的一部分種子VC -二世在2023年6月6日。
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輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6/29/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
DeepLe人力資源 |
是的 |
1 |
6/26/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
Athler |
是的 |
1 |
6/14/2023 |
種子 |
職業生涯的一天 |
0.31美元 |
是的 |
1 |
5/16/2023 |
計劃 |
5/15/2023 |
種子風投 |
D.CAMP有2戰略合作夥伴和客戶。D.CAMPrecently partnered withInfocomm媒體發展管理局在2022年10月10日。
日期 |
類型 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
新聞片段 |
來源 |
10/13/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
新加坡 |
官員Infocomm媒體發展管理局和D。陣營代表周二簽署一項協議後照片像素創業孵化中心。 |
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5/22/2014 |
合作夥伴 |
日期 |
10/13/2022 |
5/22/2014 |
類型 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
新加坡 |
新聞片段 |
官員Infocomm媒體發展管理局和D。陣營代表周二簽署一項協議後照片像素創業孵化中心。 |
來源 |
1 |
RocketSpace校園科技總部位於舊金山的核心。自2011年以來,該公司一直在幫助科技企業家、創業和企業創新專業人士帶來未來市場。公司提供服務,其成員包括編程、谘詢、事件、office-as-a-service,一起創造一個完美的生態係統和社區創新茁壯成長。選擇創業校友包括Uber, Spotify,實踐融合,和跳躍運動,和RocketSpace名單的企業創新服務客戶包括施耐德電氣,匡威,塔塔通信、蘇格蘭皇家銀行(Royal Bank of Scotland),輝瑞消費者保健,三星和ABinBev。