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清華2023年1月19日10:49:21 UTC | 32 minuten geleden說即使是origineel bericht van Keylane德國保險公司Debeka已簽署了一份合同,實現Keylane軸突的政策和索賠管理係統Debeka《Versicherung AG) Debeka保險集團的財產保險的保險公司。完全遵從性和無縫集成通過實現軸突,Keylane完全塑化平台保險公司支持所有銷售核心流程,分配和管理政策的處理索賠,Debeka解鎖Debeka無縫集成的目標景觀和完全符合德國法律和GoBD原則。“Keylane良好記錄的靈活的產品配置和集成和軸突的出色的支持為我們的混合分布模型和數字化,讓我們相信這個實現在Debeka會成功。實質性的部分已經實現一個成功的概念證明。”Normann Pankratz說道博士說,在Debeka董事會成員。現代應用景觀Debeka選擇Keylane的軸突平台應用現代化景觀未來合作,充分靈活的平台。這個具有裏程碑意義的合作使得Debeka第一批德國保險公司采取Keylane的完整的解決方案和收獲市場領先的全部好處,標準化的平台。我們非常滿意Debeka所示我們的信任。Keylane,德國是一個重要的國家,我們的目標是實現戰略的強勁增長在德國領土擴張我們的活動在不久的將來。“盧卡斯van Grunsven首席運營官塑化,在Keylane董事會成員。Keylane軸突軸突平台促進信任和授權持久的夥伴關係提供了一個一體化的平台,確保客戶的正常運行時間24/7。講他們的承諾,保持正確的客戶在每一個機會,Keylane提供和實現持續升級,沒有額外的成本,保證客戶能夠符合最新的法律法規。 Coupled with a commitment to backwards compatibility, Keylane is a partner customers can rely on with a platform that always delivers. ABOUT DEBEKA Headquartered in Koblenz, Germany, Debeka is a leading insurance and financial services company regarded as one of the top-5 players in the insurance sector. With more than 7 million customers, Debeka are responsible for managing 21 million contracts. With its diverse range of insurance and financial services, the Debeka Group is one of the top five in the insurance and home savings industry. Founded in 1905, it has evolved from a pure health insurer for civil servants into an insurance group offering coverage for all private households as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. Today, it is one of the most successful groups of its kind in Germany. Debeka Allgemeine Versicherung AG is an important part of the Debeka Group, with annual premium income of over one billion euros. ABOUT KEYLANE Keylane is a leading platform provider for the insurance and pension industry. Keylane empowers the insurance and pension industry to transform their business and achieve their goals through innovative solutions that redefine how insurance software works. Over 225 customers across Benelux, Nordics and DACH regions run their business on Keylane platforms. Keylane
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業務合作夥伴 |
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來源 |
1/19/2023 |
供應商 |
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這個具有裏程碑意義的合作使得Debeka《Versicherung AG)的第一個德國保險公司采取Keylane年代完整的解決方案和收獲市場領先的全部好處,標準化的平台。 |
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日期 |
1/19/2023 |
類型 |
供應商 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
荷蘭 |
新聞片段 |
這個具有裏程碑意義的合作使得Debeka《Versicherung AG)的第一個德國保險公司采取Keylane年代完整的解決方案和收獲市場領先的全部好處,標準化的平台。 |
來源 |
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