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2023年6月15日的可持續性問題*合作將零技術的商業化和加速增長*劍橋的加速器將促進海洋公司進入英國市場三維力控集團東南亞最大的企業集團之一,與Deeptech實驗室今天宣布建立戰略合作夥伴關係,風險投資基金和Deeptech特定加速器在劍橋(英國)為基礎,通過其創新的手臂,三維力控iLabs。合夥宣布在倫敦科技周和見證了部長多米尼克·約翰遜,投資的商業和貿易部長,和娜塔莉·布萊克,亞太貿易專員。合作旨在加強協同效應在深技術和促進零技術取得突破性進展,同時也為英國企業提供無與倫比的機會訪問東南亞的蓬勃發展和不斷增長的市場。“deeptech-specific加速器,我們專注於畫在特定領域專家、投資者和創業者,可以說是解決一些世界上最偉大的挑戰。這個夥伴關係我們的組織將幫助零技術的商業化和加速增長。在一起,我們將為英國初創企業開辟新的途徑進入東南亞,同時促進東南亞公司進入英國市場。在一起,我們期待著重大影響,“英裏Kirby說,Deeptech實驗室的創始人之一。“談到深科技,劍橋的生態係統是世界上最先進之一,由世界一流的人才,強大的IP,和一群成功的高科技公司。我們喜歡Deeptech實驗室,他們已經能夠接受這個生態係統的關鍵因素構建下一代的企業家和創業者,有機會改變世界變得更好。這與我們的零實驗室計劃,旨在利用技術和創新加速三維力控的雄心壯誌成為零到2050年。 Through this partnership we are determined to advance the development of sustainable solutions, propelling Malaysia's journey towards a greener and more sustainable future,” said Matt van Leeuwen, chief innovation officer of Sunway Group and director of Sunway iLabs. A recent collaboration between Sunway iLabs and the Department of Business and Trade, in conjunction with the UK-MY Digital Innovation Programme Demo Day, resulted in fruitful talks and collaborations during and after the event held in March 2023. The primary focus of these discussions was to bring deep tech and net zero solutions into Malaysia, further strengthening the country's innovation landscape. Notably, finalists from the programme have expedited their progress into the Net Zero Lab, which was soft launched during the demo day. “I am delighted that Deeptech Labs and Sunway Group have partnered to support UK startups in their entry to the fast-growing Malaysian and Southeast Asian markets. Building on the UK-Malaysia Digital Innovation Partnership from last year’s London Tech Week, this collaboration will see British tech support Malaysia’s net zero transition. I look forward to the innovation and new relationships that will unfold through this partnership,” said Natalie. Sunway iLabs’ Net Zero Lab specifically targets renewable and efficient energy, food security, sustainable cities, and the circular economy. Participating startups will have exclusive opportunities to test and validate their solutions and products within Sunway's thriving ecosystem. Additionally, they will gain access to a network of mentors, workshops, investors and industry experts on a global scale, leveraging Sunway's extensive resources. Through cross-border innovation programmes like the Net Zero Lab, startups from the UK market and beyond can also leverage Sunway's tes tbeds to pilot and localise their solutions and use this as a launchpad into Southeast Asia. Sunway has fully embraced and integrated the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by the United Nations in 2015, into its corporate strategy and business practices. Last year, the Group took its commitment to the sustainability agenda one step further by implementing an internal carbon-pricing framework to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 – the first corporation in Malaysia, and among the first in Southeast Asia, to introduce such a carbon reduction strategy. By partnering with Deeptech Labs and supporting the Net Zero Lab initiatives, Sunway aims to create an empowering ecosystem that propels startups to drive sustainable progress, contributing to a net-zero future for the betterment of society.
Deeptech實驗室了16個投資。他們最新的投資感知機器人作為他們的一部分A - II係列在2023年4月4日。
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
4/26/2023 |
A - II係列 |
感知機器人 |
3.37美元 |
沒有 |
2 |
3/23/2023 |
種子VC -二世 |
Medwise |
1.23美元 |
是的 |
3 |
12/14/2022 |
種子 |
感知機器人 |
是的 |
1 |
12/7/2022 |
孵化器和加速器- II |
8/26/2022 |
種子VC -二世 |
日期 |
4/26/2023 |
3/23/2023 |
12/14/2022 |
12/7/2022 |
8/26/2022 |
輪 |
A - II係列 |
種子VC -二世 |
種子 |
孵化器和加速器- II |
種子VC -二世 |
公司 |
感知機器人 |
Medwise |
感知機器人 |
量 |
3.37美元 |
1.23美元 |
新的嗎? |
沒有 |
是的 |
是的 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
2 |
3 |
1 |