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2023年5月3日,照片43976826©Tashatuvango | Dreamstime.com定義企業,早期風險資本公司專注於投資數字健康公司,關閉了兩家新基金總額為4.6億美元的投資孵化,種子,係列A和B階段創業。舊金山矽穀定義風險投資公司表示,它結合了原則與深醫療操作經驗。定義孵化或與希姆斯等公司與她合作,團結我們,Folx健康和連貫的健康。最新的融資推動其總管理資產約8億美元。“在我們公司的早期階段,定義企業突出我們作為合作夥伴,因為它的團隊已經建立了網絡的各個角落醫療生態係統從供應商到納稅人,”Dan Brillman說團結我們的聯合創始人兼首席執行官,在一份聲明中說。“有定義的經驗幫助企業規模在多個類別從企業到消費者模型是無價的,我們期待著繼續與定義為我們擴大我們的合作社區的影響人們的健康。”Unite Us has built an operating system for social care to improve health. It has developed partnerships with state governments, nonprofit organizations and large health systems including Kaiser Permanente. For instance, Unite Louisiana uses the Unite Us technology platform to connect clinicians and social service providers to serve the health and social needs within communities and parishes statewide. "The healthcare system is evolving rapidly as multiple healthcare, technology and consumer trends converge, and even with the progress over the last few years, it remains a $4 trillion market opportunity that desperately needs greater digital transformation,” said Lynne Chou O'Keefe, founder and managing partner at Define Ventures, in a statement. “At Define Ventures, we are at the center of that convergence and combine the best of Silicon Valley thinking and deep healthcare operating experience to better understand how enterprise and consumer models will intersect to become the future of healthcare," Define Ventures currently partners with 21 companies and works with a network of payers, providers, employers, retailers, and life-science companies that can help entrepreneurs build sustainable businesses. The firm says it also has relationships with strategic advisors that span the healthcare, consumer and technology ecosystems that provide experience in creating and scaling industry-shaping companies. Define Ventures' two new funds include Fund III, which will support new early-stage investments, and Opportunities Fund, which will support its existing partner companies in their growth trajectories. Define Ventures' investment strategy centers on partnering with startups that are serving multiple ecosystem partners, such as consumers, payers, providers, employers and life-sciences companies. Sign up for HC Innovations eNewsletters SIGN UP
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6/21/2023 |
C係列 |
DexCare |
75美元 |
沒有 |
11 |
6/8/2023 |
B係列 |
Laudio |
13美元 |
是的 |
12 |
5/3/2023 |
A - II係列 |
內在 |
15美元 |
沒有 |
定義項目,FCA合資公司合作夥伴,聯係企業,地圖Investco,重新設計的健康,和未披露的投資者 |
2 |
1/5/2023 |
種子風投 |
12/1/2022 |
B係列 |
日期 |
6/21/2023 |
6/8/2023 |
5/3/2023 |
1/5/2023 |
12/1/2022 |
輪 |
C係列 |
B係列 |
A - II係列 |
種子風投 |
B係列 |
公司 |
DexCare |
Laudio |
內在 |
量 |
75美元 |
13美元 |
15美元 |
新的嗎? |
沒有 |
是的 |
沒有 |
共同投資者 |
定義項目,FCA合資公司合作夥伴,聯係企業,地圖Investco,重新設計的健康,和未披露的投資者 |
來源 |
11 |
12 |
2 |
定義項目有4 基金,包括定義企業機會基金。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
4/18/2023 |
定義企業機會基金 |
1 |
4/18/2023 |
定義企業基金III |
1/12/2021 |
定義企業基金二世 |
1/13/2020 |
定義企業基金我 |
截止日期 |
4/18/2023 |
4/18/2023 |
1/12/2021 |
1/13/2020 |
基金 |
定義企業機會基金 |
定義企業基金III |
定義企業基金二世 |
定義企業基金我 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
1 |
定義項目有2 團隊成員,包括當前的創始人,管理合夥人,林恩周奧基夫。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
林恩周奧基夫 |
的創始人,管理合夥人 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
林恩周奧基夫 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
的創始人,管理合夥人 |
狀態 |
當前的 |