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馬丁大小圖表+視頻- 4方法完美的適合於2023年


2023年6月22日,當你正在尋找完美的一雙Doc Martens靴子,一個工具成為你最好的朋友:博士Martens大小圖表。考慮,醫生Martens不是製造的一半大小,它可以很難確切地知道什麼是你的尺寸,特別是如果這是你的第一次購買醫生馬頓斯。找到完美的健康不僅僅是風格,而是安慰和長壽,除非你想讓一個痛苦的磨合期間或常量水泡,這是值得。通過使用這個尺寸圖,你更近一步大步自信穿靴子適合你獨特的測量。馬頓斯博士沒有兩隻腳都是一樣的,明白這一點,提供一個詳細的尺寸指南,以確保你找到你的比賽。安全舒適,提升你的風格通過閱讀學習我最好的尋找最適合的建議。與風格輕鬆走路,一步,接受個性Martens博士的精神體現。docscollector / Instagram貂博士的尺寸圖,我已經包括了基本的Doc Martens大小圖表引用之前你實現任何我的技巧。繼續閱讀找到我最好的麵對麵的和非正式的方法。美國男人的尺寸你博士Martens大小是什麼? How to Find Your Best Fit The easiest way to find your perfect size is to refer to the Dr Martens size chart. However, if you live in an area where there is a Doc Martens storefront or one that offers the boots, they’ll have access and understanding of the Doc Martens size chart. Once you get there, you can try out hopefully a lot of different types of Doc Martens and also see what the perfect fit for you is. You can try different leathers and see which one works for you as well. You can buy it there, or you can buy it online. Regardless, this method is low hassle and provides immediate reassurance. But what if you don’t have that option? Now what? 2. Measure Your Feet at Home I don’t know about you, but in some stores that I’ve been into, there’s this device that they have where you can place your foot within the mechanism and then find out exactly what your size is. This always reminds me of shoe shopping with my mom – ah the good ol days. Even if you don’t have that device, you can use that concept to measure your feet at home. You can use my method or you can just Google a couple of ways. There are different ways to measure your feet, but the simplest way that I found is to put the back of your heel towards the edge of a wall, and then measure out to your longest toe (usually your first, big toe). You can get a friend to help measure your foot on the ground or you can make a mark and measure afterwards. Be careful not to use something that will scuff the floor or leave a permanent mark. Once you get that measurement, you can go onto Doc Martens website (or scroll back up to the Dr Martens size guide I included) and see where your foot size lands. Remember to always round up and if you’re between sizes – size up. 3. Consider Your Foot Width Another thing to consider when looking at the Dr Martens size chart is if you have wide feet. Hopefully, at this point in your life, you know based on how your feet fit in other shoes. If you have wide feet, please, (please!) go get a size bigger. Choosing a size bigger is going to help you out especially when it comes to breaking into and conditioning your Doc Martens. I really advise you, if you have wider feet, to go a size up. It’ll make it easier on you, and you won’t have to complain as much (your friends are thanking me right now). 4. Try on a Friend’s Doc Martens The last way I suggest using the doc martens size guide is if you have a friend, family, or anyone that you know that wears Doc Martens and it’s around your same size, you can ask them if you can try it on. Depending on how long they’ve had the Doc Martens, sometimes they’ve already stretched it to a point where it fits their feet very nicely, so that can skew the results. But it will give you somewhat of a baseline where you can go from there and decide, ‘Oh, this one is too tight, or is too big. I should go a size up or a size down’ etc. it all helps. Video: How to find you Dr Martens Size Final Verdict In the end, your journey to find the perfect pair of Dr. Martens boots narrows down to finding the right fit. The Dr Martens size chart serves as your compass in this quest, guiding you toward an investment that assures both style and comfort for years to come. Hopefully, this guide helped steer you towards the right purchase. Remember, using the size chart is an integral part of this process. Once you’ve made your selection, you’ll be part of the storied lineage of Dr. Martens wearers. With the right fit, your boots will walk with you through years of fashion, durability, and comfort.



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