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Irrigreen——自動灌溉係統的領導者——宣布了1500萬美元的種子資金。Ulu企業領導的一輪融資聖人希爾投資者,燃燒島冒險,MFV夥伴,帶風帽,回聲河首都Tamiami,催化劑創新實驗室,和企業也參與。房主在美國一直在努力維持他們的景觀水成本上升。同時,許多家庭灌溉係統不精確,技術含量較低,而不是定製的院子裏的細節,結果在自動噴水滅火係統,不經意間的水基礎設施同時/不足或澆水過多大的草坪。加上與灌溉係統造成80億加侖的水每天用於戶外景觀——超過洗澡和洗衣服的總和——傳統的灑水裝置離開家庭浪費每年成千上萬加侖水費用飛漲。應對水浪費,Irrigreen武器消費者與一個革命性智能噴水滅火係統,采用噴墨印刷技術提供完美越少,節省水的灌溉綠化設備。Irrigreen,房主使用更少的水大約50%相比傳統技術,可以每年節省約50%的戶外水費。通過增強Irrigreen的網頁設計工具,房主可以輸入他們的地址,設計智能噴水滅火係統匹配他們的院子裏的確切形狀和輪廓,看看他們潛在的水儲蓄在幾秒鍾內。,它還能模擬噴塗角度障礙,確保整個院子都是沒有浪費。這個工具提供房主電力自動化和簡化他們的灌溉設計不使用昂貴的專業軟件或尋找和招聘設計師。 After homeowners map out its irrigation system, they can choose to purchase a system for self-installation or work with an install partner. And once installed, Irrigreen customers can benefit from key product features, including: 1.) Simple design with seamless installation – Irrigreen utilizes a patent-pending nozzle design that eliminates wasteful overlap. And each digital sprinkler head replaces 6-10 mechanical heads from traditional systems and is configured with the Irrigreen app to trace the contours of the landscaping accurately. Plus Irrigreen uses 80% less underground piping while eliminating the need for problematic valves and wiring, making it simple and easy for anyone to install. 2.) Adaptive climate software – Unlike traditional irrigation systems, Irrigreen matches each landscape’s specific precipitation needs (including water volume and when the water should be applied) based on live integrations with weather data that feed into software on each sprinkler head. However, unlike current smart controllers, the Irrigreen system uses its smart robotic head to print the exact amount of water, weather, and soil conditions called for. 3.) Digital experience for maximum convenience – Ranging from designing an irrigation layout to controlling water pressure and flow and monitoring and maintenance, Irrigreen is built on software that learns and adapts over time for enhanced performance. And homeowners can control their irrigation system from the comfort of their smartphone with Irrigreen’s app, making it easier than ever to water and maintain landscaping. With this funding, Irrigreen plans to further develop the company’s product and software. And Irrigreen serves homeowners nationally, including California, Texas, Florida, Colorado, and Utah. KEY QUOTES: “Designing irrigation systems has traditionally been expensive, manual and imprecise. Because of the flexibility and elegance of Irrigreen’s robotic heads, we democratized the process by enabling anyone to design an efficient irrigation system from the convenience of their computer while also instantly calculating how much water they’ll save annually.” — Shane Dyer, CEO of Irrigreen “We’ve seen smart products inside the home drive meaningful resource savings by engaging the consumer. Irrigreen can become that platform for outside the home. While landscapes consume a lot of water, they contribute to quality of life and even help keep our cities cool. Finding ways to keep our surroundings green while using less water is a massive opportunity.” — Kathy Chen, Partner at Ulu Ventures and Irrigreen board member
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來源 |
4/4/2023 |
計劃 |
Hohonu |
1.8美元 |
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1 |
3/29/2023 |
種子風投 |
3/23/2023 |
種子VC - III |
8/9/2022 |
種子VC -二世 |
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