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磨練關閉2.75美元種子擴展一輪融資導致遠程培訓返回的新一代投資者包括牛仔冒險,哈裏森金屬、鬆弛基金,達到資本;煙花企業和次世代風險夥伴加入種子擴展圓形舊金山總部人力資源科技公司提出了6.4美元的裝備經曆的湧入全球需求激增從遠程團隊尋求指導在經濟快速發展的工作環境和舊金山,4月22日,2020年,磨練,重塑現代團隊的培訓平台,今天宣布了一項275萬美元種子擴展,使總資金從640萬美元。新一輪的融資,磨練了煙花企業和次世代Venture Partners新投資者。現有投資者牛仔冒險,哈裏森金屬、鬆弛基金並達到資本也參加了。磨練將使用資金擴大平台和開發公司的項目以滿足不斷增長的需求,越來越多的分布。創辦的湯姆·格裏菲思前FanDuel創始人之一和佩雷斯烹煮,以前在CultureIQ,磨練結合研究支持,在線直播類由專家執行教練與一個獨特的技術平台,加強和衡量培訓年代大規模的影響。混合humans-plus-technology方法提供了最有效的遠程領導、市場管理和人員技能培訓。客戶包括GoFundMe、羅塞塔石碑,鬼馬小精靈,世界範圍和Dashlane。革新者在遠程學習與發展企業轉變為分布式團隊視頻直播培訓我們看到重要的需求為我們的全新企業經驗學習和改進的方式,開發和領導力培訓,我們再保險興奮從返回得到提升和新投資者在這個關鍵時刻,湯姆·格裏菲思說,首席執行官和共同創始人的磨練。組織可能被迫去偏遠,但創建有效的領導人的挑戰,管理者和員工存到,事實上從來沒有更重要。磨練是合算的,完整的工作場所培訓平台,培養有效的領導,管理和人際關係技巧。 Live workshops, measurable impact, and frictionless rollouts make Hone the ideal platform to scale remote training. Hone targets more than half of U.S. workers now in remote environments to continue to train, grow and adapt, regardless of location. Our clients and investors understand Hones power to transform the workplace for the better, said Co-Founder Savina Perez. Our vision is to democratize access to training, optimizing for the needs of todays workforce, and we have the right combination of technology and team to make that vision a reality. Investor Thoughts on the Funding Round Many of us have painful recollections of unengaging, old-school, classroom-based training classes. Hone has built a modern, highly engaging, digitally-integrated solution that works beautifully for today's distributed team members, said Aileen Lee, Managing Partner at Cowboy Ventures. We are proud to continue to back Hone to help team members learn and thrive in the rapidly changing work environment. We are excited to partner with Hone as the world's leading businesses transition to synchronous video experiences during this period of COVID-19 and beyond, said Jon Bassett, Managing Partner at NextGen Venture Partners. Hone is the clear leader for manager learning and development. Weve heard from new and existing customers who are increasing utilization of Hone's platform because they see huge gains over traditional methods like on-site and video training. About Hone Hone is the reimagined training platform for modern teams. Launched in 2018 and headquartered in San Francisco and New York City, Hones mission is to democratize access to the worlds best training. As the first-ever platform for live online instructor-led training classes, Hone allows organizations of all sizes to easily source, manage and deliver best-in-class leadership, management and people skills training, and measure its impact on their organization. For more information, visit www.honehq.com, and follow Hone on Twitter @honehq, Facebook, and LinkedIn. About Cowboy Ventures Cowboy Ventures is a seed-stage venture fund that was founded by Aileen Lee in 2012. The firm seeks to back exceptional founders who are building products that re-imagine work and personal life in large and growing markets. Cowboy Ventures has invested in companies such as Accompany, Dollar Shave Club, Guild Education, Lightstep and Textio. The fund is based in Palo Alto, California. Visit cowboy.vc for more info. Contact:
煙花企業了10的投資。他們最新的投資傾斜作為他們的一部分A - II係列在2022年12月12日。
日期 |
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公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
12/2/2022 |
A - II係列 |
傾斜 |
10美元 |
沒有 |
3 |
10/27/2022 |
C - II係列 |
黑茲爾 |
51.5美元 |
是的 |
3 |
6/16/2022 |
B係列 |
35美元 |
沒有 |
3 |
1/27/2022 |
一個係列 |
12/2/2021 |
一個係列 |
日期 |
12/2/2022 |
10/27/2022 |
6/16/2022 |
1/27/2022 |
12/2/2021 |
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A - II係列 |
C - II係列 |
B係列 |
一個係列 |
一個係列 |
公司 |
傾斜 |
黑茲爾 |
量 |
10美元 |
51.5美元 |
35美元 |
新的嗎? |
沒有 |
是的 |
沒有 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
3 |
3 |
3 |