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布拉格,捷克共和國——(Newsfile corp .)——2022年12月15日)——全球風險夥伴、宣布其獨特的獨角獸的釋放方式分析平台,專門為風險資本市場。豐富的創業公司可以在市場,需要一個全麵的和自動化分析工具能夠篩選潛在的有利可圖的選擇已成為必不可少的。獨角獸的方法提供了一個直接、深入看風險資本市場,讓用戶訪問到最新的新聞、動態、投資公告,公司業績,甚至本土社交網絡對投資者稱為“交談”投資者,博客和投資感興趣的人可以交流自己的想法,分析和發布關於風險資本市場的信息。生活新聞投資事項,以及博客流,分析和分享有趣的關於風險資本市場的信息,並支持8種語言,應用程序擁有獨特性提供的數據通過一個直觀的界麵。內置的過濾器允許用戶形成自己的最喜歡的風險資本資產和列表設置個性化的通知。用戶也將獲得最新的信息和風險資本公司的最新消息,每一輪的融資、價格列表的事務,資本化表。市場背景創業風險投資在2022年的數據表明,該行業已經進入節約成本的模式,而投資者保留基金在牛市的期望。早期創業融資環比下降25%,同比增長39%。同時,B係列融資輪已損失高達54%在過去的一年裏,在種子階段保持水平超過2022,比2021年第一季度上升。從投資資金的動態B和C +係列,可以挑出的主導趨勢,在2023年可能會跟蹤該行業的路徑。 General investor concerns will spill out into more stringent selection of companies for investment and longer due diligence timeframes. A large amount of capital will be accumulated by venture funds in anticipation of either a general startup market bull-run, or the emergence of promising projects capable of growing to 'unicorn' levels. The final likely trend is the focus of venture investors towards seed stages, as startups will be offering better terms at early development and fundraising stages, making them more attractive as portfolio additions. About: Global Venture Partners Global Venture Partners s.r.o. made its way from a family office to a global investment company that sees its ultimate goal as making the private capital market more accessible to private and institutional investors. The development and launch of the Unicorn Way application is a major step in the company's strive to provide market participants with the latest analytics, market data, and aggregated news to help them build their portfolios and generate passive yields in a transparent and secure environment. About: Unicorn Way Unicorn Way is an analytics platform tailored for the venture capitalist market. It allows users to compare and analyze investment opportunities, as well as access up to the moment information from streams and blogs. The platform also includes Talk, their social media environment for investors to connect and discuss their strategies, analysis, and their approaches to investing straight from the app. Combined with Unicorn Way providing access to data and analysis from multiple channels, their platform will serve as a tool to allow potential investors to see through market turbulence and give them confidence to make better investment decisions. Media Contact:
保險絲Venture Partners的投資
保險絲Venture Partners17投資。他們最新的投資PDM汽車作為他們的一部分Unattributed VC在2023年6月6日。
保險絲Venture Partners的投資活動
日期 |
輪 |
公司 |
量 |
新的嗎? |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
6/26/2023 |
Unattributed VC |
PDM汽車 |
$2.8M |
是的 |
1 |
4/12/2023 |
B係列 |
提升國開行 |
15.5美元 |
是的 |
1 |
4/11/2023 |
C係列 |
碳的機器人 |
30美元 |
沒有 |
11 |
7/19/2022 |
D係列 |
6/14/2022 |
B係列 |
日期 |
6/26/2023 |
4/12/2023 |
4/11/2023 |
7/19/2022 |
6/14/2022 |
輪 |
Unattributed VC |
B係列 |
C係列 |
D係列 |
B係列 |
公司 |
PDM汽車 |
提升國開行 |
碳的機器人 |
量 |
$2.8M |
15.5美元 |
30美元 |
新的嗎? |
是的 |
是的 |
沒有 |
共同投資者 |
來源 |
1 |
1 |
11 |
保險絲合資公司合作夥伴有1 基金,包括保險絲Venture Partnersα我。
截止日期 |
基金 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
來源 |
7/24/2020 |
保險絲Venture Partnersα我 |
67.1美元 |
1 |
截止日期 |
7/24/2020 |
基金 |
保險絲Venture Partnersα我 |
基金類型 |
狀態 |
量 |
67.1美元 |
來源 |
1 |