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VCPro數據庫2023第26版-一個可下載和搜索的風險投資數據庫,包含全球6,900多家風險投資和私募股權公司。最可靠的,最新的和負擔得起的同類風險投資目錄。VCPro數據庫支持Windows和macOS兩種版本。這本書從1998年開始出版。Ottometric完成了490萬美元的ADAS係統自動驗證種子輪融資,由Rally Ventures領投,包括Goodyear Ventures、Proeza Ventures、Automotive Ventures和關鍵的移動基金。2023年2月14日消息——先進駕駛輔助係統(ADAS)驗證領域的新興技術領導者Ottometric已獲得總計490萬美元的種子輪融資。本輪融資由Rally Ventures領投,包括Goodyear Ventures、Proeza Ventures、Automotive Ventures、Trucks VC、Reinforced Ventures和Investor Collaborative等領先的移動投資基金也參與其中。Ottometric成立於2019年,由來自通用汽車(General Motors)、奧托立夫(Autoliv)、英偉達(NVIDIA)和Optimus Ride等公司的汽車行業資深人士組成的團隊成立,他們在過去十年中對ADAS的發展發揮了重要作用,並對人工智能(AI)訓練和驗證流程有深刻的理解。他們在汽車電子、人工智能、計算機視覺和大數據分析方麵的獨特專業知識,使該公司能夠開發一個突破性的雲軟件平台,自動化並簡化ADAS開發和驗證過程。Ottometric最初的客戶是ADAS行業的市場領導者,其中包括全球十大一級汽車供應商中的兩家。汽車原始設備製造商及其供應商每年花費數十億美元開發和測試ADAS係統,以滿足政府法規,提高駕駛員的安全性和信心。 The development and validation process creates petabytes of data from a myriad of sensors that must be analyzed and validated before the start of vehicle production. Ottometric helps these companies save $ millions in development and validation costs while significantly reducing time to market versus traditional, painstaking manual annotation and review. Using the Ottometric platform customers can more easily find and fix bugs in ADAS software, enabling shorter development cycles, significant reduction in overall ADAS program costs, and improved system reliability. OEMs and their suppliers can now accelerate the deployment of next-generation ADAS systems to enhance their competitive advantage as well as demonstrate compliance with current and future government regulations. Zenas Hutcheson, Venture Partner at Rally Ventures, said "Ottometric offers unique, game-changing technology to automate ADAS testing and validation. Leveraging cloud computing, Ottometric automatically identifies critical events and anomalies that are essential for understanding real-world performance of ADAS solutions." Rodolfo Dieck, Managing Partner of Proeza Ventures, said "At a time when Tier-1s and OEMs are under pressure to improve the performance of their ADAS systems, Ottometric's solution provides a step function improvement in validation efficiency and agility helping to reduce the time to production and avoid costly delays." "Improvements in ADAS capabilities will require new, scalable validation technologies that can help enable more reliable mobility," said Abhijit Ganguly, Managing Director, Goodyear Ventures. "Ottometric is transforming ADAS validation and AV training, and the Goodyear team is excited to learn alongside a leading startup in this area." "The ADAS market is evolving rapidly due to government regulation and consumer demand for more reliable and capable driver assistance systems," said Joseph Burke, CEO of Ottometric. "This funding enables us to grow the organization, expand our customer base, and accelerate our transformation of the ADAS development and validation process for the next generation of driver assistance systems." About Ottometric Ottometric is a software company focused on automating and streamlining the validation and training processes for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Founded in 2019 by automotive industry veterans, Ottometric provides its automation solutions to OEMs, Tier-1 and Tier-2 suppliers whose current development and validation methods are manual-intensive, slow, and costly. Ottometric helps these companies save $ millions while significantly improving system performance and reducing time to market. The company is backed by leading venture capital firms including Rally Ventures, Goodyear Ventures, Proeza Ventures and Trucks VC. Visit www.ottometric.com.



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