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Grant Thornton的研究
從CB Insights情報部門獲得數據驅動的專家分析。188bet游戏
188bet游戏CB Insights情報分析師曾在1 188bet游戏CB Insights研究簡報,最近在2020年3月13日.
周五,Sebi對Securekloud首席財務官和其他五人處以550萬盧比的罰款,原因是他們涉嫌參與虛假陳述Securekloud技術有限公司(STL)財務報表的欺詐計劃。監管機構對S Ravi Chandran、Dinesh Raja Punniamurthy、Babita Singaram、Swasti Bhowmick、R Thyagrajan(首席財務官)和G Sri Vignesh處以50 - 200萬盧比的罰款。此前,Sebi收到了指控STL發起人和管理層財務不實/違規行為的投訴,以及其審計師德勤(Deloitte)的辭職,其法醫報告援引了包括欺詐在內的各種公司治理問題。隨後,監管機構對該公司2017年4月至2021年3月四個財政年度的事務展開了調查。上述調查的重點主要是調查STL賬目中所謂的虛假陳述方式。During the investigation, Sebi observed that after Deloitte's resignation STL appointed PKF Sridhar to conduct a forensic review of the books.However, Sebi observed that STL stated, it disengaged PKF's services as they did not submitted the report on time.Further, the company appointed another auditor which disagreed with most of the issues reported by Deloitte.Thereafter, Sebi appointed Grant Thornton (GT) to conduct a detailed examination of the books of accounts of the firm and to conduct forensic audit of books of accounts of the company for FY 2017-18, FY 2018-19, FY 2019-20.In its order, Sebi found Chandran being the whole-time director of STL was involved in day to day affairs of the company and thus was duty bound the initiation of forensic audit to exchanges.However, he failed by not disclosing the initiation of forensic audit by Sebi to exchanges and has violated LODR (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) rules.It also noted that the forensic audit report of GT and investigation of Sebi have unearthed a series of serious irregularities and violations in respect of the STL.Despite the irregularities, Bhowmick and Thyagrajan have provided false CEO/CFO certificate in the annual reports of the company for FY2018-19 and 2019-20, thereby violating the disclosure norms, Sebi said.As per the order, Punniamurthy and Singaram being members/chairman of the audit committee since beginning of the investigation, failed to carry out due diligence, acted like an agents of the company and also failed to exercise independent judgment as members of the audit committee of a listed company and thereby violated the norms.Thyagrajan and Vignesh intentionally concealed facts and made misleading statement to Sebi that PKF’s services had been disengaged because it could not submitted the report within the stipulated time, it added.Through such acts, Chandran, Punniamurthy, Singaram, Bhowmick, Thyagrajan and Vignesh flouted the regulatory norms.Last year, Sebi in its order dated December 2022, imposed fines of Rs 10 crore on Securekloud's promoters and directors -- Suresh Venkatachari, RS Ramani and Gurumurthi Jayaraman for misrepresenting the financials of STL.Also, they were prohibited from by the regulator from from being associated as a director or key managerial personnel in a listed company or an intermediary from six months up to one year.
均富收購了1 公司.他們最近的收購是TayganPoint谘詢集團 在2018年10月3日.
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10/3/2018 |
收購了 |
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10/3/2018 |
投資階段 |
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Grant Thornton10個戰略合作夥伴和客戶.均富最近與Recordsure在2022年11月11日.
日期 |
類型 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
新聞片段 |
來源 |
11/3/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
聯合王國 |
Recordsure與Grant Thornton - Recordsure合作 Recordsure和TCC集團的合作夥伴總監Adrian Crean對這次新的戰略合作感到非常興奮,並期待與均富合作,為我們的客戶帶來更多的利益: |
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10/24/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
聯合王國 |
小組成員約翰·辛普森(經濟學家),瑪格麗特·坎寧(貝爾法斯特商業電訊報編輯)和安德魯·韋伯(均富經濟學家)。 專家Simon Hamilton在與Grant Thornton合作的2022年貝爾法斯特電報100家公司的啟動儀式上發言。 |
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9/26/2022 |
經銷商 |
美國 |
Johnson Global accounting和Grant Thornton將為會計師事務所提供基於雲技術的ISQM1合規服務 Johnson Global accounting和Grant Thornton LLP希望擴展他們的協議,以幫助會計師事務所滿足來自其他機構和監管機構的未來質量標準:“該協議旨在與新的行業標準保持同步,並允許會計師事務所有效地識別、評估和響應質量指南——無論它們來自哪裏,”Johnson說。 |
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9/13/2022 |
供應商 |
9/7/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
日期 |
11/3/2022 |
10/24/2022 |
9/26/2022 |
9/13/2022 |
9/7/2022 |
類型 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
經銷商 |
供應商 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
聯合王國 |
聯合王國 |
美國 |
新聞片段 |
Recordsure與Grant Thornton - Recordsure合作 Recordsure和TCC集團的合作夥伴總監Adrian Crean對這次新的戰略合作感到非常興奮,並期待與均富合作,為我們的客戶帶來更多的利益: |
小組成員約翰·辛普森(經濟學家),瑪格麗特·坎寧(貝爾法斯特商業電訊報編輯)和安德魯·韋伯(均富經濟學家)。 專家Simon Hamilton在與Grant Thornton合作的2022年貝爾法斯特電報100家公司的啟動儀式上發言。 |
Johnson Global accounting和Grant Thornton將為會計師事務所提供基於雲技術的ISQM1合規服務 Johnson Global accounting和Grant Thornton LLP希望擴展他們的協議,以幫助會計師事務所滿足來自其他機構和監管機構的未來質量標準:“該協議旨在與新的行業標準保持同步,並允許會計師事務所有效地識別、評估和響應質量指南——無論它們來自哪裏,”Johnson說。 |
來源 |
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Abousleiman & Co.提供谘詢服務。公司提供的服務包括企業風險管理、保險服務、財務管理谘詢、稅務谘詢、估值服務等。該公司成立於1971年,總部設在黎巴嫩的貝魯特。
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