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設在機器learning-powered日誌分析和監控解決方案的領先供應商,Coralogix今天宣布,它已經籌集了5500萬美元在一係列C格林菲爾德領導的一輪融資合作夥伴,將公司的總金額提高到9600萬美元。該公司的目標是追求其印度市場戰略5年發展計劃,同時協助公司與區域服務器的支持,數據存儲功能,並符合國家的數據隱私法律。最新一輪融資也看到參與紅點Capital Partners StageOne Ventures Eyal奧弗- O.G.科技,Janvest Capital Partners Maor企業,2 b天使。此前在2020年10月,該公司已籌集了2500萬美元在B係列一輪融資共同紅點Capital Partners和O.G.科技VC(由Eyal Ofer支持)。Coralogix在其之前的一輪融資宣布了一項戰略進軍印度承諾在接下來的5年投資超過3000萬美元。公司目前正在尋求投資印度市場的目標。除此之外,該公司還積極拓展其在中國本地團隊提供全麵的成功銷售和客戶支持印度的公司。作為印度的擴張計劃的一部分,Coralogix已經成立了一個新的亞馬遜網絡服務(AWS)孟買地區提供優越的服務器支持和數據存儲功能的印度客戶。公司擴展它的服務器超過1000%本地化數據處理達到每天1000億事件的速度,提供高效服務的全國最大的科技公司。該公司還關注積極擴大市場占用在印度為全球企業提供一流的本地化支持基礎設施。 Ariel Assaraf, CEO, Coralogix said “India is a significant market for Coralogix packed with huge opportunities. India’s data privacy laws mandating data localisation is a big stride in the current era of digital revolution across businesses and administration. We aim to assist companies comply with the country’s data privacy laws whilst offering best in class localized support infrastructure.” “Data is the new oil, however the exponential growth of data is preventing companies from leveraging its full potential. We address this challenge through our stateful streaming analytics technology, which enables our users to decide how their data goes through our processing pipelines, enabling storage-free insights" he further added. The latest round of funding comes on the heels of a momentous year for Coralogix. In the last quarter, Coralogix experienced 250% YoY growth and more than doubled its paying customer base to over 2000. The company will use the new capital to extend their platform beyond observability towards a comprehensive storage-free data solution. “The dramatic shift in digital transformation is generating an explosion of data, which until now has forced enterprises to decide between cost and coverage,” said Shay Grinfeld, Managing Partner at Greenfield Partners. “Coralogix’s real-time streaming analytics pipeline employs proprietary algorithms to break this tradeoff and generate significant cost savings. Coralogix has built a customer roster that comprises some of the largest and most innovative companies in the world. We’re thrilled to partner with Ariel and the Coralogix team on their journey to reinvent the future of data observability.” Share this article:
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格林菲爾德合作夥伴有2 團隊成員,包括當前的管理合夥人,夏恩Grinfeld。
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