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188bet游戏CB見解情報分析家提到公會抵押貸款1 188bet游戏CB見解研究短暫,最近在2021年3月22日。
3分鍾閱讀聖地亞哥巨頭公會抵押貸款在第二季度恢複盈利,這在一定程度上要歸功於成功的集成眾多公司第一季度的銀行收購了。抵押貸款商店激光專注於擴大市場份額,公司高管指出他們在尋找其他公司購買在不久的將來。公會的淨收入為3690萬美元,高於前一個季度淨虧損3720萬美元。銀行的淨營收增長逾一倍,從1.039億美元增加到2.368億美元的貸款在2023年第一季度的報告。獲得銷售利潤率在2023年第二季度發放310個基點。公會的內部發放總額45億美元,高於第一季的27億美元。特裏•施密特公會抵押貸款的新首席執行官表示,第二季度結果的反映公司的推動“進一步規模[其]平台。”"We are achieving this to the successful execution of our organic and external growth strategy," she said during the company's earnings call. "Broader industry challenges persist due to higher interest rates, and limited home inventory, which is putting pressure on production volume and industry margin, however, the Guild brand within the mortgage industry is stronger than it's ever been." Additionally, the lender's portfolio unpaid principal balance grew to $82 billion as of June 30, up 3% compared to $79.9 billion in the first quarter and an 8% increase from $75.9 billion last year. "We retain mortgage servicing rights for 84% of the total loan sold in the second quarter of 2023. This provides both reliable fee income as well as continued interaction with our customers supporting our strong recapture rate," Shmidt said. The company's CEO added that Guild's "strong balance sheet and liquidity position supports ongoing pursuits of additional growth opportunities." "Guild has engaged in several opportunistic acquisitions in the recent years, which has grown our reputation as a valued business partner, and we believe the continued needed origination environment will create additional opportunities for us to add smaller businesses to Guild's platform," she said. In recent months the lender has been on a buying spree, acquiring reverse mortgage lender Cherry Creek Mortgage , Legacy Mortgage and Inlanta Mortgage. It also brought on eight branches from Fairway Independent Mortgage in March, adding to its ballooning headcount of over 4,000 employees. Regarding Cherry Creek, Scmidt noted that within 45 days of acquiring the company it became fully operational and the 500 employees onboarded are "almost going full speed," Schmidt said. "We've gotten better at integrating [new companies that we bring in], we're comfortable continuing to work towards adding more of these types of acquisitions." Despite solid financial results for the second quarter, year-to-date the company reported a net loss of $0.3 million compared to a net income of $266.3 million in 2021. And to no one's surprise total in-house originations of $7.2 billion year-to-date were also significantly lower compared to the $11.8 billion reported in 2021. Guild's second quarter results beat the expectations of some analysts. A report from Wedbush noted that Guild's "gain on sale and servicing revenues were higher than expected, driven by higher than expected volumes." "The company sees additional opportunities to add smaller businesses to the Guild platform, giving muted origination activity, which should help to generate market share gains over time," the report added.
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業務合作夥伴 |
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9/27/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
美國 |
公會抵押貸款,實施以增長為導向的原始和服務住宅貸款抵押貸款公司自1960年以來,與西班牙房地產協會專業人士,因為它繼續增長戰略和多樣化的社區在美國擴大其影響 |
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7/13/2022 |
合作夥伴 |
4/14/2020 |
許可方 |
6/13/2019 |
合作夥伴 |
1/9/2019 |
供應商 |
日期 |
9/27/2022 |
7/13/2022 |
4/14/2020 |
6/13/2019 |
1/9/2019 |
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合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
許可方 |
合作夥伴 |
供應商 |
業務合作夥伴 |
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美國 |
新聞片段 |
公會抵押貸款,實施以增長為導向的原始和服務住宅貸款抵押貸款公司自1960年以來,與西班牙房地產協會專業人士,因為它繼續增長戰略和多樣化的社區在美國擴大其影響 |
來源 |
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