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神話的無與倫比的性能和功耗是重新定義的可能性邊緣AI推理神話,開創性的人工智能處理器模擬compute-in-memory公司突破技術,在新一輪籌集了1300萬美元資金。神話的現有投資者事跡管理、DCVC和勒克斯資本促成了一輪,新投資者彈射企業和赫爾曼·豪澤投資(由赫爾曼•豪澤的創始人之一Acorn計算機和半導體)的父親。神話還宣布任命新首席執行官戴夫菲克,參與創立蘋果公司的,之前擔任首席技術官。“地緣政治緊張局勢繼續上升,當務之急是我們繼續與客戶確定他們的需求和支持的公司可以擴展技術,使美國及其盟國在這些威脅麵前。“這項投資將幫助神話給市場帶來下一代M2000係列產品,建立在神話的遺產的M1076模擬矩陣處理器(神話AMP™) 10 x比數碼解決方案成本和功耗。神話的M1076已經航運高端客戶如洛克希德·馬丁公司,是該行業的第一個達到33毫秒延遲YOLOv5等全高清高精度對象探測器,同時運行在一個成本和權力信封適合邊緣係統。以其無與倫比的效率和性能,神話進入了下一個AI創新國防應用的時代,企業、產業環境、智能城市、智能家居和超越。”神話的技術確實是一種與我們的模擬計算方法,在性能和效率提供了巨大的飛躍與數字處理器相比,更不用說大量的成本效益。這個新資金將幫助我們加速前進道路來幫助公司打開邊緣AI推論的全部潛力,”聯合創始人兼首席執行官戴夫菲克說神話。“神話已經看到M1076強勁需求,所以我們相信我們的下一代處理器將廣泛采用計算機視覺應用智能機器人,安全攝像頭,無人機,以及基於“增大化現實”技術的耳機。模擬計算是真正的無限潛力。” Mythic delivers best-in-class power and performance thanks to its analog compute-in-memory (CIM) architecture that uses high-density analog memory to store neural networks completely on-chip – unlike digital solutions which need to swap data on and off chip. This density combined with integrated computation allows Mythic to deliver the same level of performance as a desktop GPU, in a platform that’s more compact, power-efficient, and cost-efficient. As a result, Mythic can bring powerful edge AI inferencing to everything from low-cost drones and tiny doorbell cameras to immersive AR headsets and huge robots. “Despite being prevalent in our daily lives, the vast majority of AI workloads still run on expensive, power hungry processors in the cloud,” said Rouz Jazayeri, managing director of Catapult Ventures. “The future of AI applications will run on the edge and will require high performance, low latency, and low cost compute all in a low power footprint. Mythic’s Analog Matrix Processor is strongly positioned to lead this transition and help unlock a whole new set of Edge AI applications thanks to their world class power and cost efficient architecture.” While Mythic’s technology is ideal for a wide range of applications, what is especially notable is the transformative impact it will have on public safety. Mythic’s powerful analog compute architecture can process full-resolution video at the edge – rather than having to send all the information to the cloud – so security cameras and drones can detect threats in real-time. Mythic’s compact and power-efficient platform also allows drones to fly for longer and go higher, and its powerful computer vision processing allows objects that are smaller or farther away to be identified more accurately. “At Lockheed Martin Ventures we want to take smart risks by investing in advanced computing capabilities that our customers can adopt and expand to outpace complex threats within a rapidly evolving landscape,” said Chris Moran, vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin Ventures. “As geopolitical tensions continue to rise, it is imperative that we continue to work with our customers in identifying their needs and supporting companies that can scale technologies that keep the U.S. and its allies in front of those threats.” Mythic has raised $178M in funding to date. Under Dave’s leadership, the company recently restructured to be more capital efficient by keeping the development of Mythic’s key differentiating technology in-house with a tight-knit team. The company plans to further grow its headcount in 2024 as the M2000 series nears production.