分享五個行業退休基金代表超過7500億美元的澳洲人的退休儲蓄與普華永道和凍結了新合同正在考慮這樣做,作為行業領導企業推開從四大谘詢公司稅收漏洞的醜聞。意識到超級CareSuper加入AustralianSuper,澳大利亞退休信任和HESTA凍結與普華永道的合同,而其他超級和LegalSuper正在評估與該公司的交易。超級基金凍結了普華永道。路易斯恩裏克Ascui“像許多其他人一樣,我們深感失望的報告失敗的治理,問責製和文化在普華永道”認識的一位發言人說,並補充說該基金希望”的這個問題是及時調查和處理”。CareSuper發言人說,該基金很重視這些問題,立即暫停所有新合同直到董事會正式決定在本月底的前進道路。之際,審慎監管機構,負責監督超級基金,警告說,公司與普華永道工作需要考慮連接到他們的承包商的治理風險的決策。廣告監管機構沒有告訴銀行,他們可以處理,但跟他們公司及其董事會需要考慮“重大風險”構成的承包商根據普華永道的啟示。該公司已經麵臨越來越大的火在揭露它泄露機密稅收計劃其他普華永道員工和合作夥伴信息可以用來嚐試贏得客戶可能想要繞過這些規則。財政部已經有效地禁止該公司贏得新的政府下令官員考慮保密工作漏洞評估投標時,但養老基金的反應表明,普華永道的利潤豐厚的私營部門的合同風險。3.5萬億美元的退休儲蓄行業被認為是一個上市公司如果澳大利亞在環境、社會和治理問題上,經常開車從它所投資的公司更大規模的行動。 Losing superannuation work is a significant blow for PwC, which brands itself as an “active participant” in the industry and a “leading adviser” to funds, and had been working to expand its footprint in the sector historically dominated by rivals Deloitte and KPMG. Hostplus is the only big super fund to use PwC as a major supplier that is not openly banning new deals with the firm or still in the process of reviewing their contracts. Advertisement However, a spokesman for the fund said it was “closely monitoring the situation as it evolves”, including any regulatory guidance. Exodus Rest Super, which uses PwC for tax advice, said it was reviewing its arrangements with the firm. A Rest spokesman cited the importance of considering members’ best financial interests – super funds’ ultimate legal duty – when choosing external suppliers and that any decisions were made in line with the “expectations of behaviours and ethical business practices” set out in its code of conduct. Among other requirements, the code demands that “business is conducted in a fair and ethical manner” and that contractors do not engage in “prohibited business practices”. LegalSuper also said it was in “ongoing dialogue with PwC” and that any changes to its commercial arrangements – the firm does internal audit and tax work for the fund – would “be the result of discussions between both parties”. Advertisement A spokeswoman for the fund said it had obtained written confirmation from PwC that no staffers working on its account were involved with the tax leaks scandal. UniSuper and Cbus refused to comment on their dealings with PwC despite both using the firm as their internal auditor. NGS Super and First Super, both of which use PwC for audit services, did not respond to The Australian Financial Review’s inquiries. Confirming HESTA’s ban on new contracts with PwC last week, a spokesman for the $70 billion fund said it was “very concerned about what has emerged” about the firm. AustralianSuper cited similar levels of concern , saying it was banning the firm despite conversations “at the highest level” with the firm. Hannah Wootton is a reporter for the Financial Review. Connect with Hannah on Twitter . Email Hannah at hannah.wootton@afr.com Save