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2022年10月17日-廣告公司監管機構澳大利亞證券和投資委員會(ASIC)犯罪悉尼公司子整體全球投資三個cryptocurrency基金的散戶投資者提供三個星期,因為他們不適合零售市場,伴隨產品披露細節。表明,錢可能一文不值。——廣告——21天的臨時停止訂單防止子整體提供或分配三個基金覆蓋了比特幣,ethereum和filecoin散戶投資者由於不符合目標市場的決心(TMD)。如果ASIC的問題不解決,最終凍結訂單資金將發布。——廣告——基金子整體比特幣基金的子整體Ethereum基金和子整體Filecoin基金。“Holan披露的風險資產價值的基金可能遭受全損,“ASIC說。-廣告-比特幣和醚在2022年下降了近60%,前者目前在美國19000美元大關。醚是現在7月以來下跌約30%,目前在約1300美元。子整體比特幣基金回報率為21.6%在其第一個完整操作月7月,當比特幣收於23336美元。基金8月份下跌了-14.7%,現在坐在自成立以來下降了-2.6%。 The Ether fund, which launched around the same time, lost -6.4% in August but remained up 45.7% after a 59.6% gain in July. The Filecoin Fund lost -2.7% in August and was up 0.3% overall. But it is the Holon Photon Fund, which is not part of the ASIC stop order, that has been hardest hit over the past 12 months after investing in global tech companies such as Amazon Alphabet, Alibaba, Meta, Tencent and Tesla. It has lost 32% of its value over the past 12 months and now sits at 3.7% since its launch in July 2019. ASIC said in a statement that it granted an interim order against the crypto funder “to protect retail investors from potential investments in funds that may not be a good fit for their financial objectives, situation or needs”, adding that those funds not considered favorable. Broad target market as defined in TMD. “Each fund is invested in an individual crypto-asset – bitcoin, ether and filecoin,” ASIC said. “Crypto-assets are highly volatile and complex, investing concentrated in individual crypto-assets is very risky and speculative. Investors are likely to experience significant price volatility and deeply negative returns in periods of declining asset value. The Web 3.0-focused digital asset manager was launched in 2019 by actuary Heather Behnke and is reportedly looking to raise $70 million in Series B this year, with Protocol Labs trimming its sails and the founder of Filecoin. Almost half of that figure in tipping, before hunting down $10 million.
日期 |
類型 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
新聞片段 |
來源 |
8/4/2021 |
合作夥伴 |
波蘭 |
雙子座之間的戰略夥伴關係和子整體全球投資重申子整體全球投資的承諾安全與風險管理,同時給投資者的年代Filecoin暴露於潛在的增長數據存儲網絡,Web 3.0的數據存儲解決方案。 |
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6/25/2021 |
合作夥伴 |
日期 |
8/4/2021 |
6/25/2021 |
類型 |
合作夥伴 |
合作夥伴 |
業務合作夥伴 |
國家 |
波蘭 |
新聞片段 |
雙子座之間的戰略夥伴關係和子整體全球投資重申子整體全球投資的承諾安全與風險管理,同時給投資者的年代Filecoin暴露於潛在的增長數據存儲網絡,Web 3.0的數據存儲解決方案。 |
來源 |
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子整體全球投資有2 團隊成員,包括當前的創始人,董事總經理,希思Behncke。
的名字 |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
狀態 |
希思Behncke |
創始人,董事總經理 |
當前的 |
的名字 |
希思Behncke |
工作經曆 |
標題 |
創始人,董事總經理 |
狀態 |
當前的 |