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珠海華發集團有限公司,有限公司於同年成立的珠海經濟特區。這是最大的綜合性國有企業集團珠海和知名龍頭企業。現代農業示範園區港珠澳是一個重要的任務在2019年成立之初。一方麵,它是一個穩定的供應基地,“菜籃子”的商路Kong-Macao大灣地區。另一方麵,依靠合作在香港和澳門之間,它深深植根於灣區和全球。項目占地麵積200000平方米,采用世界先進的半封閉的智能玻璃溫室技術調整農作物的生長環境,並完全克服高溫的氣候條件,高濕度和低光在長江以南的高效生產。有西紅柿,水果辣椒、小黃瓜、草莓、生菜、中藥材、花卉、和其他類別。它可以供應約7000噸清潔、安全、綠色、高質量的健康食品的公民每年大灣地區,滿足高端消費者的需求在香港,澳門和主要城市的商路Kong-Macao大灣地區。Priva環境控製係統與傳統的Venlo-type溫室相比,半封閉溫室的正壓通風係統可以實現更精確的控製溫度、濕度和二氧化碳濃度,而且還可以節約能源,防止入侵害蟲、疾病、以及提高作物產量。這也意味著一個控製計算機,可以穩定和精確地控製更複雜的溫室環境因素需要幫助種植者輕鬆和充分利用半封閉溫室的特點和優勢。 Based on the real-time data collected by various sensors inside and outside the greenhouse, the Priva Connext control computer can calculate and deploy various systems in the greenhouse through a large number of algorithms to automatically control the air mixing unit, the curtain, the rotation speed of the circulating fan, the energy scheduling of the heating and dehumidification terminal, and the continuous adjustment of artificial lights to ensure that the internal environment of the greenhouse achieves the best conditions for plant growth. This also means that the temperature, humidity, light, carbon dioxide application and other factors can be adjusted according to the needs of plant growth, which can not only control the growth rate of plants, but also control the output, and realize year-round production of fruit and vegetable products in Zhuhai. Greenhouse operation information at your fingertips In such a large-scale greenhouse operation, the importance of deep insight into key greenhouse processes and efficient deployment of labor cannot be overlooked. The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Modern Agriculture Demonstration Park adopts the Priva FS Performance greenhouse information management system to help greenhouse managers establish accurate production forecasts and generate operational analysis reports through a clear control interface so that managers can adjust the corresponding labor plans and business processes in a timely manner. There are detailed information records for each step of seedling raising, planting, harvest, screening, quality control, logistics, and terminal to ensure the traceability of the entire production chain and each batch of products to ensure quality and safety. Features Overview of Priva FS Performance Greenhouse Management System Sustainable Urban Delta The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Modern Agriculture Demonstration Park is close to the city center. Taking advantage of this great geographical location, it conducts offline sales and development in major cities within 500 kilometers of the project and produces safe and fresh food locally in a sustainable way to realize the guarantee of fresh food supply within 24 hours from the farm to the table. More information: Thank you Something went wrong with your message. Maybe it was seen as spam, please browse some more articles on our site before trying again. Email this article to a friend We require you to complete all the text fields marked with *. Your Name
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